One of my NH House Reps, Melissa Blasek, survived two mailers and a significant effort by the Sununu Fan Club to bounce her out in the primary. RINO Brodie Deshaies – out. Karoline Leavitt won easily, and Bolduc is ahead of Morse*.
Leavitt beat Mowers by 9.5 points. Burns beat Hansel by 1.1% and Lily Tang Williams by just under 7%. Bolduc is ahead in votes (about 1.5%). Neither of the last two races has been “called,” so don’t pour the champagne just yet.
*Update: Both Morse and Hansel have conceded.
Sununu won his primary with more than 78% of the vote. His closest rival was Karen Testerman, with 9.84%.
In the NH State Senate, Republican Primary winners include Gary Daniels, Stephen Scaer, Michael Yakubovitch, Howard Peal, Tim Lang, and George Lambert. Jeb Bradley, Daniel Innis, and Daryl Abbas also won.
EC winners were Harold French, Ted Gatsas, and Dave Wheeler.
In the NH House, too many to mention but of the Granite PAC targeted candidates, Blasek won a shot at the General, but Mike Sylvia was ousted. Josh Yokela won, as did Paul Terry (not called yet). Silber was at the bottom of the pack in his district, but that wasn’t called yet, either.
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