GraniteGrok has issued a number of sitewide endorsements, more than we typically do. Skip has published his, and we’ve had a few other authors make some endorsements of candidates for New Hampshire’s last in the nation primary. My turn.
I didn’t choose to make an endorsement in every race, and not everyone will love the ones I chose, and that’s fine. Every time I write, I annoy someone. It comes with the hobby.
I am only endorsing in races in which I can actually vote, even though there are great candidates running against garbage all over the state, as well as second choices who would be reasonable alternatives.
Here we go.
US Senate: Don Bolduc
NH CD-1: Tim Baxter
State Senate (Dist 11): Gary Daniels.
Merrimack (Hills 22) NH House (8 seats):
Jeanine Notter
Melissa Blasek
Tim McGough
As you can see, I’ve only picked three candidates to fill eight seats in a nine-candidate primary. Jeanine and Melissa are exceptional. I’ve shared some words with Tim, and he has convinced me he’s worth naming. If you want a second tier on this race, Maureen Mooney and Bob Healey will do some very good work. I can’t give clear guidance to the others.
But we need three more names, and I’m not naming more.
But every one of those eight Republicans will need your vote in November. All eight of them. If they all have near the same number of votes as the top vote-getter, there won’t be enough Democrat votes for even one of theirs to slip in, and we need a Republican super-majority to ensure that life, liberty, and health freedom can be protected in New Hampshire.
You and I can pressure a Republican to vote for a bill.
And I have hopes for Republican wins in the Federal races, but I have no faith in that changing what happens in DC any time soon.
We need them there to try and change the culture, but it’ll take a lot longer if it can even be done. The best bet is to save New Hampshire, and in New Hampshire, we could lose everything in just two years if we are not vigilant.
Vote like your life depended on it because it might.