SAU21 Under Pressure to Make Teacher Training Transparent, What is there to HIDE? - Granite Grok

SAU21 Under Pressure to Make Teacher Training Transparent, What is there to HIDE?

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As of today, I’ve received no response from the SAU21 administrators to schedule a meeting. They have not provided any answers to my questions, and they have not contacted me about the teacher training materials Jessica Goff gave them. Seacoast Outright is a political organization that will be training teachers in SAU21. All of this should be made transparent…


Dear  Superintendent Nadeau,
Please see the email (below) sent to Jessica Goff from Seacoast Outright.  We had a lengthy conversation about the upcoming teacher training in SAU21.
During that conversation, she directed me back to the administrators on several occasions. For instance, I asked her about making the training open to the public to observe. She mentioned that she wanted a “safe space” for the teachers to discuss the training. While I can certainly understand not wanting any disruptions during the training, the dialogue and materials should be made transparent.
I’d like to request that this training be open to the public, or have someone videotape the training session and the round table discussions. That video can then be  posted on the school district website. This would go a long way to make this transparent. 
Recently other similar trainings have made national news.  In Fairfax County it was reported that teachers were trained to “transition children’s genders without parental approval.”  This training required “all teachers to complete a training program that says parental permission is not required for students who seek to be addressed by different names or pronouns.”
I’m sure you can see how this kind of training would raise concerns for many parents in SAU21.
If you recall, a teacher who lives in Hampton Falls also brought her concerns to the school board in August. Her district required all teachers to attend a similar training session. (52:38) She warned that something will be said that’s inappropriate. The high school where she works has been involved in lawsuits and FOIA requests for the past two years.
I filed my own 91-a a few weeks ago asking to see the materials, videos, etc. that would be used during this training session. In the reply I received, it indicated that no government documents exist. However, after speaking with Jessica Goff, she said that all of those materials were sent over to the SAU a few days prior to me picking up your reply. Why were those materials not provided to me?
It casts more doubt and concern that these materials were never vetted prior to making the decision to hire Seacoast Outright for this training session. As far as I can tell, it was Mr. Hobbs who engaged in this dialogue with Seacoast Outright but he never vetted the materials. And now the materials have been kept from public view. The 91-a, and under the protection of Pupil Rights Amendment, 20 U.S.C § 1232h, the teacher training materials should have been provided to me. Can you explain this? 
SAU21 Right to Know Request
Perhaps you can also address how this training will be respectful and inclusive to religious families? Or families who have different viewpoints? Especially in light of the recent suggestion to adopt the NHS Resolution of Inclusivity.
NHS Resolution of inclusivity
There are a number of voices that would like to be acknowledged when it comes to any discussion on LGBTQ+ issues. Those who are now de-transitioning would like consideration too.
As you can see from this short trailer, there are three girls featured who now regret their transition. In the documentary film Detransition Diaries, they present stories of three young women who felt that their trauma and dysphoria would be fixed by trying to medically transition from female to male.
Medical professionals, therapists, counselors, and even school officials, affirmed that these girls were indeed “trans,” but once they stared down this path, they each realized that they had made a terrible mistake.
They all began a medical transition by taking testosterone, and one even went as far as having a double mastectomy. They changed their names, hair, and pronouns, thinking that this would relieve them from their duress and suicidal ideations. It wasn’t true.
The film focuses on the rising number of young girls and women who have decided to transition. Statistics show that between 2016 and 2017 the rate of gender surgeries among women and girls quadrupled in the U.S., and continues to rise. This, they say, is due in part, to the reality of the new social contagion.
Since this film will be released in the fall, I am also requesting that the teachers who will be trained by Seacoast Outright also view this documentary.
While I do understand that medical situations will not be part of the training, Jessica did confirm that teachers could ask questions. The FDA issued a warning on puberty blockers, because of some of the severe side effects some children were experiencing.
A Swedish hospital discontinued the use of puberty blockers.  A girl who was put on a regimen of puberty-blocking drugs to transition to a boy, after five years of treatment, developed osteoporosis and suffered damage to his vertebrae. The mother of the teen told a journalist that “He felt so bad that he tried suicide attempts on several occasions. We didn’t understand, we thought our child would feel better from the treatment.”
You can see that some of the outcomes have been severe in terms of their medical and mental health. Important information like this should not be kept out of the conversation.
I believe Mr. Hobbs mentioned that a discussion on pronouns would be part of the training provided by Seacoast Outright. I suggested to Jessica that it would have been helpful to have a legal expert available to answer questions that could help the teachers understand their civil rights as well as the civil rights of the students. I would expect that this kind of training would cover current lawsuits that are pending or the case where a professor was awarded $400,000.00 in a settlement after refusing to use preferred pronouns. A case in SAU16 is currently pending after a student refused to use preferred pronouns. Our teachers need all of the facts without any political bias.
As you move forward with the training, I hope that you will make these adjustments so that parents are not left questioning what will be presented to their children’s teachers.
I await your reply and would still like to set up a time to meet.


Ann Marie Banfield 


Hello Jessica,
Thank you for taking the time to talk to me this week about the upcoming teacher training in SAU21. You mentioned that you had sent the materials that you will be using during the training to the SAU prior to our conversation. If those materials, videos, etc. can be sent to me via an email, I would appreciate it. 
I know you said that the training would not be open to the public to view. I do think it would help to make this as transparent as possible. I’ve heard from parents who are assuming that there is going to be material or information presented that would be controversial. By making this all transparent, you might be able to address their concerns. A videotaped session posted on the school district website could also be another option to making all of this transparent.
While I do understand that you want to make sure that teachers are in a “safe place” to discuss the LGBTQ children, let’s not forget that those children belong to the parents and not the teachers. Everything that involves their children should be made transparent unless there are extenuating circumstances where they’ve gone through due process.
I also hope in the future, you will consider adding experts to these presentations. As we discussed, including someone to offer legal, medical, and mental health advice would support our teachers and students. You brought up how this training session saves lives. When I hear that, I think that something like this calls for a non-biased PhD Child Psychologist to be present. Since you are referring to the serious nature of anxiety, depression, or suicide, we really don’t know what would save a child’s life. But a Child Psychologist with the education and clinical training would have the background to offer the best advice.
If this kind of training is truly about helping the LGBTQ kids in the schools, then politics has to be removed, and those with the best medical, legal, and psychological training need to be the ones to help them.
While I am sure that you believe you are offering the best advice possible, sometimes those without expert credentials either leave important information out of a discussion or add something that can cause harm. While that may not be your intention, that is why we have experts in those fields who can draw upon their expertise to make sure that the teachers, or the children, are not being put in harm’s way.
For instance, Seacoast Outright includes Planned Parenthood as a resource, but as you can see from this video from an upcoming film, the young ladies who went through transitioning to become a boy now have regrets. They talk about their suicidal thoughts, self-harm, and depression. Planned Parenthood prescribed testosterone but didn’t offer them the psychological help they needed. That’s the danger in politicizing this important subject. Will our teachers and students see the whole picture or just someone’s politicized viewpoint?
Nothing on this page includes any information about the warning from the CDC on puberty blockers or that a hospital in Sweden stopped prescribing puberty blockers because of the physical harm that they’ve caused to some of their patients.
On one hand, you acknowledge the self-harm, serious mental health issues and that your training saves lives, while at the same time, you are telling me that the training doesn’t include any presentations by nonpolitical or biased experts in the field of medicine or mental health.
When scrolling through the website, I noted the list of medical resources, but those resources have put some of the girls in the video in harm’s way. They did not step in to make sure that these girls were seen by the best physicians and Child Psychologists available. I’m not sure how one can make the claim that these trainings are saving lives.
I hope we can continue this dialogue because I don’t want to see the teachers put in a vulnerable position with their students. I don’t want to see our children shuffled along a path that leads them to regret or, even worse, medical procedures that are irreversible.
Nothing on the website includes any videos or information on detransitions or testimony from those who now regret some of the decisions they’ve made. By withholding this information, I’m not sure how anyone can claim that they are helping LGBTQ children.
Thank you again for your time and your thoughtful consideration.

Ann Marie Banfield 


Attachments area

Preview YouTube video Hampton Falls School Board Meeting – August 9, 2022

Hampton Falls School Board Meeting – August 9, 2022

Preview YouTube video [Official Trailer] The Detransition Diaries

[Official Trailer] The Detransition Diaries
