Meme Overflow - Granite Grok

Meme Overflow

biden-fail-2 Peter Doucy Conservative Treehouse

As promised in the last Monday Memes, I have an overflow. My meme cup runneth over.  And yes, it looks like I will be doing one on Friday as well.  Again. 😊

Now, let the mayhem, mockery, and ridicule resume:

*** Warning, a few possibly off-color ones, in case tender eyes are about ***









When seconds count, the police are only minutes away.  I strongly recommend the book Dial 911 and Die, available through the JPFO store.















Pick of the post:



I’ve just been having an email conversation with a Covidian who, low-key, criticized my skepticism of The Jab.  As I said in A Curious Incuriosity and its sequel A Curious Incuriosity 2, plus in A Crisis of Trust, there is this starry-eyed, child-like trust in government and its pronouncements.  There’s no fear, there’s no curiosity, there’s no skepticism.  All is a wonderful, bright world where nothing bad ever happens and everyone in government / authority is perfectly, 100% trustworthy and just wants sunshine & light for you.

Please understand that I don’t wish them ill (with a few exceptions, I concede).  But as someone with a life-long sense of curiosity about things, and especially when “things don’t add up”… I continue to be flabbergasted at the lack of any curiosity amongst people who, in many other endeavors, are perfectly fine getting into the thick of a debate… yet flee any information that goes contrary to SAFE AND EFFECTIVE.  It’s their prayer now.

Understand, they view themselves as good and virtuous people because they’ve taken their Jab.  To admit they were bamboozled, to admit their Rite of Passage into that good and virtuous community was in error, would destroy their egos.  Not for nothing is Vanity the Devil’s favorite sin, for only with Humility, a virtue – only with the capacity to admit we may be wrong – can we learn.




On second thought, here’s another one:



I go to my kids’ sporting events and am appalled at how many parents and grandparents and others do not put their hands on their hearts.  Some continue talking.  A few don’t even stand.

This should be a pittance of time to show gratitude for living in this, the greatest and most exceptional country in the history of the world.  It should be beyond politics.  And they can’t even do that.

GTFO of my country, you ingrates.  Good men and women died for that flag.





Please do consider helping this bumper sticker go viral.  I don’t make a lot per each one, but it’d be nice to have a few million sold!



Bumper Sticker




Palate cleanser:

