In the run-up to the 2010 wave election that wiped Obamacrats out of the US House and in state legislatures across the country, NH Dems tried to label Republican candidates as extremists. So, what’s happening to the Belknap County Delegation is just more of the same, and like in 2010, they should embrace it.
Both links in the pull quote are long dead, by the way.
Mary Jane Wellner and Marjorie Smith, who head the Committee to elect House Democrats, (and we must assume Ray Buckley) have themselves a new web page. It’s called the Extreme 16. It’s some lame left wing fund-raising gimmick that pits 16 Republican House candidates against each other and asks (presumably, Democrat) visitors to vote to decide who the most extreme GOP nominated candidate is. It’s set up like a tournament. The Moon Bat Final Four.
We broke the story and what followed was a rush by Republicans to ask why they were not in the brackets. Candidates took it and used it not only to embrace the accusation but to then define it, defend it, and control the narrative to wreck the opposition’s narrative.
I’ve not had much to say about the Gunstock situation or the Belknap delegation – nothing, actually – because it’s Skip’s “neighborhood,” and he’s got it covered. But the extremist thing seems like it needed another kick in the tires.
A professional leftist hack hiding behind another fake-centrist facade is using Left-wing power and money to rally TransDemocrats (RINOS) and anyone they can dupe into thinking that local control, individualism, bylaws, rules of order, transparency, and rule of law are extremist positions.
They are extreme if you happen to be a 14th-century Monarch or a 20th-century Marxist. And that’s being kind. The majority of human experience on planet earth has been dominated by authoritarians convincing others that they are better, smarter, and entitled to make decisions for others, both basic and life-changing.
If reasonably low taxes that allow you to keep more of what you earned is extremist, then I’m on board.
If letting you make decisions about what is important to your children and family is extremist, count me in.
Do you see where we’re going here?
The 2010 Dems Extreme 16 was a failure for them and a victory for Republicans, who went on to take veto-proof supermajority control of the NH House and NH Senate. The November 2022 midterms are shaping up with some of the same potential as we saw in 2010. And up in Belknap County, the Left is playing an old game.
If Belknap Republicans have the sense to take that bull by the horns, they can force Citizens for Belknap and local Democrats into a corner because the only extremists are the Democrats who would replace them and deprive everyone of local control, property, and liberty at the first opportunity.