Was it the LGBT Militants shutting down Dave Chappelle’s speech or just the normal faux outraged SJW again?

by Skip

Once again, the “outrage” shown by the Left tells the rest of us they can’t take a joke. Nor do they want anyone to MAKE a joke. Especially if it is at their expense which means EVERYONE ELSE SHUT UP! I remember, back when dirt was young, we all had our tool box of Polish, German, Irish, Swedish (last two would be me!), English, French jokes ready in a millisecond to blurt out. And we’d all laugh at the person who was the brunt of the joke but knew our time would be up soon.  Tough skins and toughened up personalities.

Not so much these crowds – always looking for the first opportunity to be offended because “ATTACKING OUR COMMUNITY”. C’mon, man!  Grow up, grow a pair, and stop the perpetual offense. It seems that even any kind of a sideways eye look is enough to set them off. I know that Libertarians (who the trans folks should take a couple lessons from in terms of REAL tolerance in that it works both ways) often use a porcupine as a “logo” but these folks have substituted those quills  for swords on springs for any little perceived slight (that’s another joke, son).

So what was the joke?  I had to look at it a couple of times even remembering that Chappelle, just a couple of weeks ago, was attacked during a show at the Hollywood Bowl by a guy that jumped out of the audience with a gun that had a knife attached to it:

knifegun-2-300x163 LAPD

So what was the joke?  It’s so small, at least to me, that I’ve bolded it:

Chappelle joked that the guy who tackled him was carrying “a gun that identified as a knife,” according to witnesses who were at the show, which was headlined by comedian John Mulaney at The Ohio State University’s Schottenstein Center.

…So apparently the ‘horrendously transphobic joke’ that Dave Chappelle said when on stage recently was that he was ‘attacked by a trans man that had a knife that identified as a gun.’ That’s barely even a throwaway Dad joke and people are out to Lynch him,” tweeted Gary Later Eyes.

Yeah, that’s what has them all up in arms!  So when you think of that, and the fury that they have shown that PARENTS must bow down to their ideology when it comes to schools keeping secrets about their children from them (right, Chris Erchull?), are they “those-that-must-not-be-provoked” – at all?

Or simply laughed at themselves? And trust me, they’ll complain about that as well.

Oh, by the way, are the BLM folks now going to scream at me for RACISM because I didn’t show an image of Chapelle?

See, a two-fer for the folks that don’t have a funny bone in their shriveled soul’d bodies.

(H/T: Daily Wire)


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