President Franklin Pierce and the Worst Franchise Players Ever

U.S. News and World Report famously does an annual ranking of the top 100 colleges in America. It all gets lots of attention and schools that make the list understandably tout the ratings in their marketing plans.

Truth be told, the best college in America for a Granite Stater could be a community college or an affordable state college. A place to get the necessary background to succeed in a chosen field. A place to make lifelong friends. A place to meet a future spouse. A place to play on a sports team.

All things that would not happen if said Granite Stater attended Princeton, the Report’s #1 rated school. (Princeton’s annual tuition is over $56,000.00). So, the best college in America for said Granite Stater could well be White Mountains Community College, Plymouth State, UNH, or whatever. Yes?

Inevitably lists are also generated as to the worst colleges in each state. These lists also get attention and are not helpful to whatever institutions make those lists. But such lists create a buzz and draw attention to the list-makers—which account for the lists.

Presidential rankings are common. Was Washington or Lincoln our greatest president? Who was our worst president? I take issue with those who say New Hampshire’s Franklin Pierce was our worst president. He was only the third worst. Perhaps soon to be fourth worst.

Sports lists are common. The greatest this or the worst that. Statistics are cited to make cases. Then others point out that intangibles matter. Arguments abound. Lists of the greatest player ever for each sports franchise are regularly published.

The all-time greatest Red Sox player? Ted Williams or Carl Yastrzemski? Or Babe Ruth?

Such lists provide fun fodder for Fenway Park arguments over grandstand beers, though the ultra-contentious do draw energy from arguing for the sake of arguing. Enjoyable at times, but tiresome after a while.

Inevitably, lists come out as to the WORST player for each sports franchise—like a recent one from listing each NFL team’s worst player ever. For example, the immortal Giovanni Carmazzi was listed as the worst 49er ever. (Look him up.) The immortal Limas Sweed is supposedly the worst Pittsburgh Steeler ever. (Look him up.)

So naturally, I had to see who was listed as the worst New England Patriot ever.

The immortal Chad Jackson. (Look him up.)

According to, Pats coach Bill Belichick is known for finding hidden gems in the NFL draft. Guys who weren’t at the top of every scout’s wish list, but who’d go on to have solid, overachieving careers. Chad Jackson was supposed to be one of those guys. In 2006 Jackson was taken in the second round and was seen as a receiving weapon for Tom Brady. Instead, he played in just 14 games, catching 14 passes for 171 yards before the Pats cut him.

Not even Belichick gets every pick right.

No doubt someone pointed out the ranking to Jackson, who surely blanched at the news. But such things go with being a high-profile athlete. I’m sure Jackson’s mom would argue against the designation, over Gillette Stadium beers with the ultra-contentious. She might claim that the immortal Mike Taliaferro was a worse player. (Look him up.)

Such lists actually may benefit those who receive those “worst” designations, after all,’s list helped to get Carmazzi, Sweed, Jackson, and Taliaferro into this column.

Bring on the next list so we can have another fun “discussion.”

And …

Upon further review, I now rate Franklin Pierce as our fifth-worst president, as opposed to third or fourth worst.

(Look him up!)



State Rep. Mike Moffett is a retired professor and former Marine Corps officer. He vice-chairs the House Committee on State-Federal Relations and also serves on House Education Committee.

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