“I’m a Trans Man Trying To Get Pregnant” – Sorry, You’re Still a Woman and Not a Man. Upon Further Reflection, Not Sorry …

by Skip

Sorry, men don’t want to get pregnant. Oh, they may want children – most do. However, I’ve found that most men lack the intensity of women when they decide that they WANT a baby (note: it’s not a fetus – it’s a baby undergoing development).

While I can’t speak to most women, when TMEW wanted both the Eldest and Youngest, she WANTED them. Yep, no arguing with that from me at the time.

“I’m a Trans Man Trying To Get Pregnant”

But here’s the thing – she could get pregnant.  I can’t. No man can. So that Blogline of the Day is complete idiocy from all kinds of directions. The 2+2=5 chaos that is trying to be put over on us, that a man can have a baby and that such a thing should be normal, should be rejected by anyone. You can name yourself as if you were a man, change your appearance to appear as being a man, try to adopt mannerisms as if you are a man, but don’t expect us to intellectually and psychologically swallow that whole line.

2+2 does not equal 5. Or 10, or any other number.

However, that’s the silliness that we find in the state of our Culture nowadays.  This is supposed to be normal?  And if your disbelief, your sense and knowledge of biology, says otherwise,  you’re a bigoted, transphobic knuckledragger whose belief in Biblical mores, should be utterly destroyed (along with YOUR family). That’s the typical response by the Left in hopes of silencing you completely into submission. Orwell’s 1984, indeed.

And I’m a biologist so I know the differences between a male and a female. And married to a woman for over 40 years – she’s not me and I’m not her and I’m glad for both of those things.  There’s yer toxic heteronormative for the day.

I was always pretending to be a boy when I was very little, back in the ’80s and ’90s, but until you’re introduced to a possibility, you don’t really know it’s a possibility. Although I had had minor preoccupations with people who were trans, when I finally got a closer introduction to that journey, I realized, “Woah, this might be me.”

Me? I summon up the deepest belly laugh I can – it’s easy because it makes them angrier that I refuse to believe in this “I can be anything/anyone I want to be and you HAVE to ‘affirm’ my choices”.  No, I don’t, nor will I.  And remember, your emotions are your’s and blaming me for how you feel doesn’t make me responsible for them nor put me in charge of them. Unless you want me to – I’d be happy to oblige but not necessarily what you would want to hear afterward.

As I have said before if you think you are something that you are not, fine.  If your family and friends go along with it, great. More power to you.  Just don’t expect or make the rest of us go along with this delusion.

But no, men can’t get pregnant. Only women can. At least be honest with the rest of us and admit that.

(H/T: Newsweek)

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