Grooming: Is It Time to Bring Some Form of Racketeering or Conspiracy Charges against Public Schools?

In the wake of the left’s Don’t Say Gay Campaign, numerous incidents have been made public proving it is the Educators and their leftist enablers who “don’t say gay.” Don’t tell your parents we’re transitioning you.”

This child is dead because of it, and this school nurse has been suspended for revealing what has been going on in a Hartford, Connecticut School without parental notice or consent.


As reported by the UK Daily Mail,


Writing on a local mom’s group in response to a request for local school recommendations, the 77-year-old [Kathleen Cataford]said: ‘Investigate the school system curriculum…CT is a very socially liberal, gender-confused state,’ the post read.

It continued: ‘As a public school nurse, I have an 11yo female student on puberty blockers and a dozen identifying as non-binary, all but two keeping this as a secret from their parents with the help of teachers, SSW [social workers] and school administration.


These incidents are happening in schools all over the country. Children have been chemically and emotionally modified without parental consent. And while no one will likely be able to find the interstate connection that ties them all together to invoke RICO (unless we pin it all on the Democrat party), the evidence strongly points to a conspiracy.

No single individual is responsible for manipulating the gender ideology of a dozen or more students in one school.

Related: Okay, Groomer!


I’m not a lawyer, and I don’t play one online. I am, however, willing to cite, quote, or defer to legal opinions from them or by them. What, to all you lawyers out there, is the recourse for this, and how do parents proceed to ensure that this sort of collusion is not underway in their schools?

This can’t be legal, making it criminal.

This is psychological torture and child abuse.


The American College of Pediatricians urges educators and legislators to reject all policies that condition children to accept as normal a life of chemical and surgical impersonation of the opposite sex. Facts – not ideology – determine reality.


And not just the grooming but the deliberate inculcation. Teachers are transitioning students and then telling them they must deceive their parents and the community outside the school building to protect the teachers and administrators.

It is a deliberate act and may even constitute a form of sexual assault. And it is not just those students being converted. Anyone who knows would be sworn to secrecy backed by some form of punishment.

We know public schools will go to great lengths to hide sex assaults, so what about this?

What are they holding over students’ heads to keep quiet about their taxpayer-funded sexual grooming business? All of them, not just those they are trying to transition?

As for faculty, ask the school nurse. She let the grooming cat out of the bag and got suspended. I suspect she is done, but at 77, I think she knew that and just had to say something on her way out the door.

Most of the employees may not have that option which means they are all forced to work under a gag order and not all are on board.

That’s not an environment conducive to learning. Not that much of that is going on.


‘Teachers and SSW are spending 37.5 hours a week influencing our children, not necessarily teaching our children what YOU think is being taught.’


Not every parent can homeschool or has the option of a charter of private education. But that is why Democrats hate school choice, education savings accounts, and the idea that the money collected to teach children should follow the student and not the teacher’s unions.



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