Follow the Science – Men Can Give Birth Through Their Penis!

Here’s a story that should have everyone – regardless of their place on any spectrum – scratching their heads. A major UK university has a class that provides instructions to students on how to assist in males giving birth.


Students studying midwifery at a prominent University in the United Kingdom were taught that biological males can get pregnant and give birth through their penis before instructors hastily edited a workbook they were given.


When some actual experts were consulted, they said,


  • “It is not possible for a male person to get pregnant,”
  • “A [female] with a gender difference can become pregnant but will not have male genitalia,” she notes, expressing concern that even if instruction was given on serving female-to-male transgender patients, the information was still both incomplete and unrealistic.
  • “Most [females] who use testosterone, at the doses used for ‘transition,’ will develop vaginal atrophy.  … , also noting that female-to-male transgender people who wish to naturally deliver are at risk of sustaining “new types of birth injury” that have not yet been studied or investigated.
  • “There are no circumstances whereby qualified midwives can possibly be asked, or be expected, to catheterize a penis as part of their professional work,”
  • “The writers seem to have left school remarkably ignorant about basic biology, sex and anatomy.”
  • “A few [female-to-males] undergo genital surgery but, in general, those with a surgically created neo-penis simply cannot get pregnant either because they undergo a hysterectomy as a prelude,”


To appease the false notion that a woman who says she is a man and wants to have a baby is a man giving birth.

Sorry, that’s a woman pretending to be a man giving birth. And as you can see from the expert commentary, the workbook is a joke, but someone wrote the original workbook. It was (probably) reviewed and edited for the academic community.

Someone in charge at the college or in the department approved it as part of the curriculum. They ordered it, bought it, inventoried it, added it to the course schedule, and gave it to students… before anyone realized what they’d done?

And these are the other sorts of experts the left expects to run our country down to the minutia of our everyday lives.



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