Stormy Daniels Sued Donald Trump and Now She’s Probably Going to Jail

Steve MacDonald

Not everyone will suffer the consequences of Trump Derangement Syndrome but former Porn Star Stormy Daniels might.

If you managed to miss this ring of the circus, Trump tweeted and Stormy was convinced to sue him for defamation when there was no chance of winning.


As I pointed out in the title. Her lawyer, who is a media whore, is an idiot for walking her into the bright lights of Trump Derangement Theater. Whatever else people may think about The Donald bagging a porn star in decades past – even though both parties have repeatedly denied any intimate association until it recently presented itself as a revenue stream for an aging “actress” – the first Amendment leans heavily in Mr. Trumps favor in this case.

Daniels is probably going to get screwed by the courts, and it’s her big-mouth lawyer’s fault.


Michael Avenatti, her lawyer, is in prison (where he will likely spend many years) awaiting his next trial on another outstanding charge of fraud or embezzlement or some other malfeasance.

Avenatti was convicted in Manhattan federal court last month of defrauding her out of money she was owed in a book deal to write about her experience with Trump. He is due to be sentenced June 2.

Stormy lost her case and as predicted is required to pay Mr. Trump’s legal fees because of some tingle-up the leg-worthy anti-SLAPP statutes.

Clifford’s case was tossed, deemed frivolous, and Stephanie Clifford (Stormy’s real name) is required to pay $294,000.00 dollars. The cost for The Donald to defend himself.

She appealed to the Ninth Circuit and lost but Clifford said she’d rather go to jail than pay a penny.

That’s a tale of Trump Derangement Syndrome with actual consequences but it’s worse than that. Where are all those media whores and Leftists who stood with Stormy because it was Trump? (Avenatti had his face on CNN so much he should have been on the payroll.)

So, where’s the GoFundMe to raise the nearly 300K she needs to keep her once idolized ass out of the pokey?

It’s worth noting that Trump’s lawyer, in that case, was Michael Cohen who (according to reports)  just finished three years of home confinement for tax evasion, bank fraud, and lying to congress.

Lying to congress. Members of congress do that every day.


HT | NBC News


  • Steve MacDonald

    Steve is a long-time New Hampshire resident, blogger, and a member of the Board of directors of The 603 Alliance. He is the owner of Grok Media LLC and the Managing Editor of, a former board member of the Republican Liberty Caucus of New Hampshire, and a past contributor to the Franklin Center for Public Policy.

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