So, the CDC Just Manufactured Some Education Inflation? - Granite Grok

So, the CDC Just Manufactured Some Education Inflation?

Crying Masked Child

This is personal. We lived this problem with the Grandson right from his get-go.  Developmentally delayed – given that for his first three years of his life, he effectively was a Ward of the State (we were only “family caregivers” in the eyes of DCYF until we adopted him in 2018), a speech therapist was assigned.  Then once he turned three, that special care was transferred to the School District.

Sidenote: for all of the bashing I do over School Districts and the lack of productivity and results (as well as all in the tank over Leftist DIE-J indoctrination), there are excellent teachers out there and we have been lucky in that regard.

Long story short, he has ended up like how the Eldest did with a similar problem – now we can’t shut him up.  Entertaining at times, truth be told, it can get a bit wearying. But we have been told that he’s got a very extensive vocabulary even if he’s having issues, still, with articulation.  But their standards have been high – not so much the CDC’s standards on the speech of young ones. Reformatted, emphasis mine:

You can read the new guidelines here. One of the big changes that many critics are focusing on is the former guideline saying that children should normally know approximately fifty words by 24 months or two years of age. That benchmark has now been stealthily raised to 30 months. That’s not insignificant at all. It’s a 25% increase from the previous standard.

This is like what we’re seeing in the grocery stores. The boxes of cereal, for example, are still the same size on the outside but less on the inside.  Ditto LOTS of things where you can only gauge it by reviewing the amount on the item (e.g., ounces, fluid ounces) AND you had to know what the amount was to begin with.  Frankly, I don’t

The Postmillennial examines the context in which these changes are taking place. It’s hard to ignore the growing body of reports showing that childhood development has been suffering as a result of various COVID protocols, raging from “virtual learning” environments to forcing children to wear face masks.

…One of the authors of this study, Jennifer M. Zubler, said that the changes were made to the guidelines ensure that it reflects milestones that at least 75 percent of children can reach. Since children are no longer able reach these previously attainable milestones, they have been lowered.

Just like with all the crappiness of School Districts that are lowering their Academic standards and rigor because EQUITY!  Sure, not quite the same thing but it is still a result of Government fiats either for masks or for some racist ideology.

So the question will be, as this current demographic cohort gets older and that mask mandates are being yanked from our lives:

Will the CDC put the standard back up?  Or are we stuck with lower standards forever?

Or will THAT fade to BECAUSE EQUITY as well?

(H/T: Hot Air)

