As We See Some of the Countries Rolling Things Back …

As we see some of the countries rolling things back we need to understand that the Globalists have been at this for a LONG TIME, and spent COUNTLESS SUMS to achieve their vision.  A few protests and votes – even if they work – will not roll them back.

This is their FAITH.

And now some links and comments (note, I am still technically on hiatus).

From time immemorial Democrats have taken the side of America’s enemies.  IMHO WWII was an exception made possible only by Pearl Harbor – up until then, the Democrats were enthusiastic fans of both NATIONAL Socialism and INTERNATIONAL Socialism.
Coming soon to a city near you.  Alas.
We “need” MOAR diversity like this.  Not.
If I were determined to ruin our military’s capability, what would I do differently than what’s being done now?
HA HA HA HA!  Well done!  Use their own rules against them.
Girls only competing with girls?  What a concept!
American Jews, I’m looking at you.  Not that you’re votes, even if 100% “R”, would have changed anything… but we warned you.
School board destruction.  Sounds like a plan!  Related to school boards:
They are DETERMINED to corrupt & sexualize our kids.
When someone’s argument is SHUT UP you know they have no argument.
Control the information flow, control what people believe.  Related to the enemedia:
And despite all the warnings, I suspect the vast majority of the sheeple will bleat “How could this happen”?  Related:
Food costs up.  Energy costs up.  Crime is up.  How is it that ANYONE thinks he’s doing a good job?
And isn’t this interesting?  Maybe they see the fecal matter approaching the fan?  Related:
I’m not one to willy-nilly propose laws or Constitutional Amendments or anything, but… beyond *cough cough rigged* elections, can we tie politicians’ job performance to their paychecks?  Like if they enact policies that destroy economies in their field of influence, they lose their pay?
The truly annoying thing to me is that so many sheep will simply nod their heads and say “From covid, not with covid.  Makes sense”.  Without any introspection at all about how they were fooled.
Punch unJabbed with no consequences… which IMHO is not a long step to “Put people in camps with no consequences”… and then to “Take the shot or get shot”.  Which has been tweeted out.
Wait, didn’t I see this in a movie?
Midterms approach.
Video from Dr. Ryan Cole.
Lastly, two from the Organic Prepper:
When, not if, the SHTF information is gold.
The question is how to build a community when you’re likely seen as an infiltrator being a new-comer.
Lastly, an appeal:
For those who support Israel as I do, please consider making a donation here to get IDF soldiers Purim baskets.  And if you like this group – and I’ve contributed regularly for over a decade to them – please share this link with your network too.
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