US Senate Candidate Confirms He Is NOT Serious About Securing The Border

Yesterday I wrote a post titled Chuck and Kevin are Campaigning Like it’s 2010, where I criticized the two establishment candidates for not providing any specifics regarding how they would supposedly “secure the border.” Smith made my point for me today, in a post in NH-NeverTrumpJournal:


Smith’s post … which does not tell us anything about the Biden regime’s illegal open-border policies that we did not already know … does not tell us anything about how Smith would “secure the border.” It’s as if his campaign is based on the stereotype that America-First voters in New Hampshire are really dumb and won’t think to ask how he intends to secure the border.

If a candidate will not tell you how he intends to “secure the border,” you should assume that his understanding of “secure the border” is something markedly different from an America-First voter’s understanding. Got to keep the flow of cheap labor for the donor-class flowing, right Kev?

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