90+% of Deaths and 70% of Those Hospitalized With COVID in New South Wales Have “Been Vaccinated”

Here’s a quick little news bite for you. Australia, the land locked-down under is nothing if not a COVID-Cult Paradise. If there’s a worst-case scenario for the ratio of human nature to abuse of power for no measurable gain, they are it.

As we noted many months back, the penal colony has returned to its roots.

To what end?


In New South Wales there are 1399 hospitalized who are double injected, and 585 who are uninjected.


Tony Heller at RCS got the screen grabs.

Australia, covid deatsh jabbed


NSW Australia deatch with vaxx

That’s New South Wales Health reporting and data, not some backward backwater blogger.

So, what’s the official response?

You need a booster, mate.

No, what I need is a new government.


Update: Headline typo. It’s 90+ percent dead not 80+ percent. 91.666%, to be precise.


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