Reader Hate Mail

We love this sort of stuff because it makes for great blog content, and it’s already written. Badly, more often than not. And this is, well, something to behold.

Mick Marsden has lost it over our coverage of Alexa Firman, the Simply Delicious Baking Company owner, in Bedford.

Alexa was fined by the state for not mandating masks back when His Excellency was in the business of demanding things of private companies. Gov. Sununu has since taken a hands-off approach which is still consistent. Both the previous action and the current inaction infringe on individual liberty.

Mick was not happy with our coverage of Alexa or her remarks in the interview Skip did with her.

As for Mick, but I have no idea who he might be, but we appreciate his input so much that I share it with you in the hope someone can find whatever wisdom he hoped to convey.

He and his thoughts are yours to digest, dissect, or discuss at your leisure or pleasure.


Note: This mail has is published as received per our FAQ, unedited (except for the curse words of which there are several, and only then to add punctuation marks in place of a few letters as is our custom).


Dear Steve,

After watching that ridiculous baker Alexa Firman spew lies about where we are because Biden…i did a quick search for her and found your website. Wow…

While we have real global issues and an ongoing pandemic and need two functioning parties to talk about how to solve them…you morons are making people on the left as the enemy and trying to overthrow our constitutional republic is simply off base.

If folks don’t go along with your lies and conspiracy theories…even folks like Liz Cheney whom I’ve never agreed with, as also your enemies.

Wake the f*ck up you selfish idiots. Get on team American and f*ck this Trump sh!t. People like you Alexa Firman telling lies does us no good. Inflation isn’t about Biden it’s a byproduct of the pandemic.

Had you idiots under the orange assh*le been honest we’d not have such issues. Try the facts on sometime. Try reading books that tells all what happened.

Republicans are the party of lies and NO. As an lifelong independent I’ve voted for folks of all stripes. These days voting on the right is a vote to end the republic. I bet you’re one of the ass hats who don’t want the 1/6 commission to do their work and I bet you think it was not an insurrection. Your “About us” page is at least honest. You tell who reads it that you’re the idiots behind our troubles.

Republicans are rich(or wannabe), racist, religious, selfish and of course stupid. I know it is not possible to change minds. But if your free speech is ok for you to tell your garbage this email mine to tell you what an assh*le you are from where I sit.

Mick Marsden


No worries Mick, free speech has been preserved, exactly as you wrote it, and thanks so much for that.

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