Maine Issues COVID Disinformation Warning to Health Care Professionals – Local Doc Throws It Back in Their Faces

We saw this sort of bullying early on in the political pandemic. Bureaucrats and politicians were coming between you and your doctor—executive orders and rulings from boards threatening licenses to practice. Maine is doing it again, and at least one physician is pushing back.

From the Main Board of Licensure of Medicine (the aforementioned bureaucrats).


The Federation of State Medical Boards (“FSMB”) issued the following statement in response to a dramatic increase in the dissemination of Covid-19 vaccine misinformation and disinformation by physicians and other health care providers:

Physicians who generate and spread COVID-19 vaccine misinformation or disinformation are risking disciplinary action by state medical boards, including the suspension or revocation of their medical license. Due to their specialized knowledge and training, licensed physicians possess a high degree of public trust and therefore have a powerful platform in society, whether they recognize it or not. They also have an ethical and professional responsibility to practice medicine in the best interests of their patients and must share information that is factual, scientifically grounded and consensus-driven for the betterment of public health. Spreading inaccurate COVID-19 vaccine information contradicts that responsibility, threatens to further erode public trust in the medical profession and puts all patients at risk.


Talk about an irony alert. The board should decertify itself. And to make that case, or to at least put them on their heels, Dr. Meryl Nass, who has practiced medicine in Maine for 24 years, wrote them a letter. In it, she quotes several matters commonly referred to as misinformation or disinformation. The problem, however, is that these quotes come from leaders and prophets of COVIDISM itself.


  • UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson said: “[The vaccine] doesn’t protect you against catching the disease, and it doesn’t protect you from passing it on.”
  • [Centers for Disease Control and Prevention] Director Dr. Rochelle Walensky said: “The vaccines no longer prevent transmission.”
  • In a high-quality study of all VA beneficiaries just published in science, by September, the Johnson & Johnson vaccine was only 13% effective against infection, the Pfizer 43%, and the Moderna 58%.
  • In a new University of California study of more than 500 vaxxed and unvaxxed people who tested positive for COVID, the amounts of virus in saliva were the same. They could transmit the infection to others equally.
  • The UK’s top vaccine expert, Sir Andrew Pollard, said in August, regarding COVID vaccines: “Herd immunity is not a possibility. We need to focus on how do we prevent dying or going to hospital.”


That is but a fraction of the points Dr. Nass has to make in her letter, which opens as follows.


I am a physician, licensed in Maine for the past 24 years. I am concerned about the use of the terms “misinformation” and “disinformation” and the new threat to physicians’ licenses issued by the board today for undefined behaviors.

I require clarification regarding the board’s definition of misinformation and disinformation and would like to know what statutory authority the board has to discipline physicians on the basis of undefined transgressions.


It is a brilliant bit of rebuttal. Misinformation, whatever do you mean, and who gave you the authority to decide what that is, given these facts, which – If I’m not mistaken, might violate your rules.

We are again faced with not a matter of science but scientism, the politicization of information to advance a narrative or political agenda instead of the open-minded questioning of everything.

I can’t say whether Maine’s inside the bubble bureaucrats and their tunnel vision will take the hint. Pencil-pushing public servants are not known for their open-mindedness. But this is an excellent return volley, and we look forward to hearing more from Dr. Nass about how they respond.

Note: Dr. Nass testified before the NH Legislature on Nov 16. She also has a website,

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