DISQUS Doodlings – Am I My Great-Great-Great-Great-Grandfather’s Sustainability Keeper?

by Skip

I really just don’t get it – how do these Eco-Socialists and Critical Race Theory Marxists believe that we are going to accept this nonsense?

That we who are alive today should be absolutely stooped over to the ground with the guilt of our ancestors in the past and overcome in contemplating the guilt mandated by these guilt-mongers using their Morality Plays of today?

Lloyd of Treehugger (“Who Bears the Blame for the Climate Crisis?“) went there in blaming the Western World for causing climate change via the proxy of CO2 emissions:

…The West may often point the finger toward China and the developing world; but understanding who bears the blame—in both historical and contemporary terms—for the climate crisis can help us lay bare hypocrisies. And laying bare hypocrisies really is crucial for climate justice.

In a recent analysis, Carbon Brief looked at historical responsibility for climate change, asking the question, “Which countries are historically responsible for climate change?” It looked at CO2 emissions from 1850 to 2021, updating a previous analysis published in 2019, including for the first time emissions from land use and forestry, which significantly altered the top ten.

The analysis put the U.S. in the top ranking, responsible for some 20% of the global total of emissions since 1850. China came in at a relatively distant second with 11%, followed by Russia (7%), Brazil (5%), and Indonesia (4%).  It found that large post-colonial European nations Germany and the United Kingdom accounted for 4% and 3% of the total, respectively. Crucially, however, these figures do not include overseas emissions under colonial rule and only include internal emissions.

And at the end, went full Justice Warrior in laying the blame of “J’accuse”:

It is not technology, a lack of innovation, or public opinion that is holding back the radical action that is needed to avert climate catastrophe. It is the system of power, the defenders of that system, and the deep pockets paying for them, which stand in our way. Taking a look at historical truths, as well as present ones, is crucial to cutting through the rhetoric surrounding COP26 and truly finding our way to climate justice.

Yeah, when you can’t persuade people normally, go hunting for scapegoats. Lloyd, and people like him, are frustrated that people aren’t listening to them when folks like us realize that their “solutions” would have us living back in the 1850s lifestyles.

My response was what should be expected of EVERYONE living today?

If you think I’m “responsible” for dead people and wish to punish me for it, screw you. Emphasis mine now:

This is the worst of Collectivism – a stereotyping of individuals that just happen to live in a given place. This is the argument of those that have failed to persuade Individuals that their ideas are superior to those currently held by those Individuals.

Sorry Lloyd, but most Individuals are going to reject the notion that they are responsible for the wrongs that people they never knew committed – you’re just trying to guilt-shame by any means possible.

Your words are akin to the Critical Race Theory now roiling American schools that stereotype people according to an immutable attribute – skin color. That all people sharing that skin color are unforgivably guilty TODAY of actions committed by others long before they were born. Or well before their ancestors even moved to America.

That last bit would be me – none of my families were ever involved in such actions. In fact, they were treated horribly when they “came over” – see the history of “Irish need not apply” signage.

That’s the kind of “Justice” you are in favor of, Lloyd? After all, you’re doing the same thing right now, only a bit “sideways” from CRT and thinking its a proper philosophy to hold and debate from.

Seriously, ARE you that guilt ridden over it all that you wish to immiserate others because of your guilt? There’s a word for that but I’d get banned again.

And per usual, nothing back in rebuttal. I think it less my argument in return than when confronted, they have no answers. But it does show the pattern by the Left – both these Eco-Socialists with CO2 emissions and the CRT Race-baiters are using the same tactic (just simply from different sources).

Neither of them can see people for who they really are – Individuals. There is only the stereotyping of Groups -> Collectives. In one case, the color of your skin; the other is past energy usage.  In either case, we scapegoats are to be blamed with those that we are supposed to be a part of.

Only the Left does this “Pick a Grouping and guilt them” – the Right does not in the same way the Left does. We certainly do pick on Individuals that, in our eyes, are guilty of something but it is when it can be shown they’ve done wrong. We do not assign guilt to others because of that person.

I cannot even BEGIN to conceive of the logic that comes up with demanding I “renounce” my guilt and responsibility for people I never knew.  Simply because of their past ENERGY USAGE?  My skin color?  I certainly can’t change either. So why should I allow myself to be declared guilty?

What’s next – that I’m an oppressor because I’m breathing?

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