Breaking: “Vaccinated” Pro-Vax Mandate Washington Post Editor Dies Suddenly…from a Heart Attack

He may have been a COVID cultist and vehement vaccine mandate supporter, but I’d like to start by offering my condolences to any friends or family of Washington Post Editor Fred Hiatt. He was a big supporter of vax mandates who chose this path, which may have killed him.


Washington Post editor Fred Hiatt suffered “sudden cardiac arrest on November 24” and did not regain consciousness. Hiatt was a recipient of the jab after his employer imposed a vaccine mandate in July to “help safeguard the health and safety” of the newspaper’s staff. …

Lately, Hiatt had excelled in publishing editorials advocating forced vaccines, Big Tech censorship, hate speech laws, mass immigration, gun control, transgenderism and Critical Race Theory (CRT).


Hyatt was a reliable mouthpiece for every leftwing fantasy. The vax mandate was simply the latest. And while I’ve not looked, he’s likely worked to debunk any reporting related to the rise in cases of myocarditis or other heart-related harms among the Jabbed.

He reportedly had some past heart issues (broken, black, Grinchy, I have no idea), but he took the Jab anyway, and now he’s dead from a heart attack.

Don’t gloat. If you’ve had a severe heart attack, it’s not a pleasant experience. I was never terrified, nor did I contemplate my imminent demise, but it was a genuine possibility. When the “big one came,” I was at an urgent care clinic to talk about how weird I felt. Medical attention was immediate, and I was being treated and observed the entire time until my stents were in place. My thinking was to do what they say, answer their question, and we’ll see what happens next.

I didn’t have all that much in the way of warning signs until the day it happened.

Other folks, athletes, healthy adults, and even healthy children in no need of the COVID vaccines likely have minimal warning either. Still, they were not all COVID cultists using a national news source to poke fun at deniers and promote injecting healthy people with an experimental substance.

Karma maybe, but not in the way that you may think. Sure, he chose to get vaccinated when his employer told him he must. He could have left or requested an exemption or lied, but he was all in – his choice based on his reporting.

When NH House Speaker Dick Hinch died – they say it was COVID, but he was over 70 with a history of serious health problems, so I have my doubts- NH Dems paraded his loss alongside his refusal to wear a mask in crowds or to take their prescribed precautions.

No matter what you think about those “precautions,” Freeman Dick Hinch made that choice. He measured the risks and lived and died by them.

We can say the same about Fred Hiatt, but Fred was not open-minded about choice. He was a militant vaxxer, appears to have smeared those who disagreed, and now he’s dead.

Take from that what you will but don’t for one moment think that it will move the needle at WashPo or any other Vax Propaganda outlet, at least not publicly.

Hiatt was 66 years old.

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