I can’t remember when I started doing it, but it was a good while back. People would ask how I’m doing, and every now and then, I’d say, ‘Baby Bear.’ Everything is just right, all good, not too hot or too cold or too soft or too hard. Baby bear. A state that cannot exist in a world with rabid climate activists.
There is no, just right.
Take precipitation. Earlier this year, every year actually, the climate town criers get on their environmentally safe responsibly sourced soapboxes shouting about drought.
If there’s not enough rain, we’re heading into permanent drought, but if we’ve got plenty of water so then what? Flooding, sea-level rise, a stormwater crisis.
It’s all your fault, and there is no middle. No mean. No baby bear. There is no pleasing them. Not even were they to achieve the totalitarian state they seek as a remedy. The people they put in power bring the rain if you take my meaning. Those same loudmouths become the problem, and the state silences them.
This is the way.
So is this. As but one example, New Hampshire used to be a lot drier than in the past 50 years.
This is the 12- month precip record from 1895 to 2021. The tend line is from 1895 to 1970. Slowly rising but below the 100-year mean.
Below is the trend line from 1970 – 2021 for Jan to October (all the data we have that includes 2021).
Keep in mind that the Cult dogma was man-made warming would result in heat stress, droughts, crop failure, starvation…
You’ll see that we are well above the ten-month historical mean for precipitation, but, …
… we are below the ten-month mean for the past 50 years ergo, the drought argument is still viable for cultists while they can, at the same time, complain about stormwater “surges” and flooding.
And it is raining as I write this.
There is no baby bear. This fairy tale has no happy ending. And we all get eaten.