SAU16/Exeter: Now Hiding Critical Race Theory Meetings From the Public

At a time when SAU16 administrators should be focused on transparency and building trust, they are doing the opposite. Last night SAU16 invited the public to attend a presentation on DEIJ (Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Justice).

Those who showed up were a bit surprised to see community organizers (NH Listens) conducting the meeting while the DEIJ Director Andres Mejia was off to the side.

NH Listens conducted the meeting in their typical manner using the Delphi Technique.

The Delphi Technique is a group manipulation technique that they use during public meetings. You can learn more about their group manipulation meetings from this video taken in Laconia in 2012:


These public meetings utilize trained facilitators to manipulate the participants in order to come to their pre-determined outcome.

I know how this works because I attended a meeting with NH Listens many years ago in the Winnisquam Regional School District. Representative Greg Hill also attended the meeting and wrote a letter to the editor referencing the outside group and how their manipulation techniques were used to shape public opinion their way.

Representative Hill was right when he said, “Our system of open-forum community discussions run by a moderator has worked just fine for 200 years. We don’t need facilitators standing between us and our elected representatives or district employees.”  But that’s what SAU16’s DEIJ Director did last night.

Why did he call in his former employer, NH Listens, to manipulate the people who attended the meeting?

I watched how NH Listens manipulated the audience in Winnisquam as they put participants into small groups using the Delphi Technique. I don’t recall any attempts though, to deny anyone their ability to videotape that meeting. What’s changed?  Why deny participants at the SAU16 DEIJ meeting the ability to videotape this session?

Is it because NH Listens has been exposed in the past for their group manipulation techniques?

Here is a video from last night where one participant was told to stop videotaping the meeting:



What are they trying to hide?

One participant reported that during the meeting, a Ted Talk video was shown made by an African woman who spoke about African pity.

One of the participants at last night’s meeting also happened to be of African descent. However, he had a different perspective having grown up in Morroco. He would have liked to have shared his experience as a Moroccan, and offered facts and information that wasn’t presented in the Ted Talk video.

NH Listens did not allow any discussion after the video was shown. He could not share information that would have offered all of the participants first-hand knowledge on how African pity has contributed to some of the failures in African countries.

Rich American and European countries funneling money to corrupt regimes, does not always help the average African single mother trying to feed her children. Instead, it fuels the corruption that has led to famine and starvation among the African population.

That has been explained in testimony by James Shikwati, the famous economist from Stanford University, and the Hoover Institute. As an African American, he explains what is wrong with do-gooder politicians and their ideology. These rational explanations are not acceptable to NH Listens manipulation techniques which are based solely on emotions, and not on rational or factual based arguments.

NH Listens used one video with one perspective and did not allow a participant to share additional information with the other participants at the meeting. That’s how community organizers work. NH Listens is there to manipulate the outcome and shut down logic, reasoning, and factual information because it does not fit their narrative.

How do you think this will work if and when they use it on the children attending the SAU16 schools?

Will it will be cloaked in secrecy?

Will they offer one biased viewpoint?

Will they shut down logical and reasoned arguments that do not fit their pre-determined outcome?

After this group manipulation exercise by NH Listens, one can only conclude that this may be the same technique used on children in order to mold their viewpoints.

Here are some of the materials used in last night’s meeting. Here they define Equity.

SAU16 DEIJ Meeting screen grab


But here is what was presented on Equity to parents at the DEIJ meeting a few months ago:

SAU16 equity meeting public


In the 2nd screenshot, they made it clear in the meeting that Equity means equal outcomes. (18:30)

What has changed?

Why are they presenting one version of equity at one meeting and then another version at last night’s meeting? Is it because equal outcomes harm students?  The public wants opportunities for all children, black and brown included. Equal outcomes deny all children those opportunities, and yet that’s what Andres Meija said was the goal in SAU16 under the goal of Equity.  Did something change?

Do you get the sense that you are being manipulated in some way?

Here is another activity the participants had to participate in while they were being manipulated:

SAU16 DEIJ Meeting learning community agreements


Attendees came to this meeting to learn more about DEIJ and were subjected to a psychological exercise in an effort to break down their characteristics. Lean into discomfort? They came to learn more about how DEIJ would work when their children went to school. Now they were being manipulated by community organizers.  No wonder NH Listens didn’t want this videotaped and exposed.


SAU16 DEIJ learnign about equity challenges

Note that #3 makes no sense.

This is Critical Race Theory in action.  Victor Cary’s organization specializes in fighting “white supremacy” in what they say are inherently racist systems, like schools. This includes racial affinity groups, group identity, molding thought, and emotional attachments. They are teaching  Critical Race Theory to the leaders: 

This might explain why cameras weren’t allowed. This kind of radical political indoctrination based on prejudice and discrimination is no longer allowed to be aimed at teachers and students per the New Hampshire anti-discrimination law. I guess the next best thing to do is, aim it at the participants and parents.

This is classic Critical Race Theory now aimed at community members using group manipulation techniques by NH Listens. Just think if this money was spent on helping all children, black and brown included, as a way to uplift them as Condoleeza Rice describes here:


Condoleeza Rice describes the negative and radical nature of CRT. She describes how she believes race relations should be addressed– it makes sense. Stop shaming white children for what has happened in the past, and uplift brown and black children instead of making them feel like victims.  It’s a simple approach, and one that makes sense.

Why does SAU16 continue to push the racist and prejudicial narrative of CRT using valuable tax dollars from the school budget? There is so much opportunity and potential to make a difference in this school district. They can work to unify the community and children, instead of divide them. They can work to uplift all children to become better human beings, and at the same time, focus on improving academic outcomes for all children.

Instead they continue down this path of Critical Race Theory and attempt to hide it from the public.

My suggestion to parents in SAU16, notify (and send this article) to your child’s teachers, the Principal, Superintendent and board members and tell them that your child is not to be subjected to any kind of psychological manipulation while attending school. 


  • Ann Marie Banfield

    Ann Marie Banfield has been researching education reform for over a decade and actively supports parental rights, literacy and academic excellence in k-12 schools. You can contact her at:

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