Palate Cleanser – Developers are smart. QA folks are devious (and love to deflate the Developers)

by Skip

This is hilarious to watch the Developer on the left have her aspirations left in shambles!

I’ve been on both sides of this in the software bit. While I loved turning out “elegant” code (software folks know what I mean), there is an “evil” side of me that loves to break systems. No, I’m not a hacker, either a white hat or a black hat. I just, when asked, try to break stuff. After all, once I learned a system, I could exploit the system. It got to the point, when I was a Principal Consultant, developers were asking ME how to do things.

So while the below isn’t software, the principle is the same:

There is nothing worse than a Developer that doesn’t bother to test their code but still throws it “over the wall” as “FINISHED”!  I do expect that each function should be tested, that major subsystems be put through the wringer. But the above shows when a Dev doesn’t even make the attempt to test their user interface…

…and suffers the ignominy of doing so. The QA dude learned the system and then make it do what he wanted rather than follow the Dev’s expectations.

Happens in Culture all the time.  Politics, too.

(H/T: er, forgot!)

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