As I noted in my last Quick Takes, this prepper/survival section seems to be growing, so rather than let it come to dominate I’m starting this separate post.
First, let me state upfront that I am merely an “enlightened amateur” as far as anything survival goes. So please vet and check on your own.
Second, the hour is late and I fear bad times are imminent. Yet there is hope – for even if you start now and can only gather food, water, and other materials for a month or so you will be far ahead of the curve for when the fecal matter truly hits the air motivator.
Third, two things will be critical for this:
- The proper mentality: first and foremost in survival is having a flexible mentality and cultivating the ability to adapt
- Having a meatspace network of people that are likeminded – so start cultivating your community ties and building alliances with neighbors (note: don’t babble about the Jab or start pointing political fingers when doing this)
Remember one critical thing: It’s not IF things get bad, it’s WHEN. The only questions are:
1. When does it start?
2. How bad does it get?
3. How long will it last?
4. What can I do, now, to prepare for what’s coming as best I can?
5. What moral/ethical compromises will I have to make to survive? (Start thinking about the possibility you may need to shoot someone… and hide the body.)
6. What will the aftermath look like?
Presented, quick-hit style, are some links. Print them out and start a binder – if the SHTF badly enough you won’t be able to retrieve these off the net or, possibly, even off your computer.
How To Make A Black Drawing Salve For When SHTF
10 Trees Every Survivalist Should Know and Why
A quick note about black walnuts; they’re a b*tch-kitty to open and get the meats out (at least onesie-twosie, it seems like it’s not worth the caloric effort!). Unless there’s a way to do that which I haven’t read yet.
Thanks to a comment by Allen, youtube videos on pemmican and portable soup:
He also recommends Backwoodsman Magazine; I’m going to subscribe ASAP! And while Mother Earth News has been, when I’ve perused it, a little on the earthy-crunchy side of things, it too is worth a look-see.
And to round out this inaugural Survival Sunday post, a few videos: