Breaking: NH State School Boards Association Withdraws Membership from the NSBA

The New Hampshire School Boards Association (NHSBA) has formally and immediately withdrawn its membership with the National School Boards Association (NSBA)


New Hampshire is the fifth state to withdraw its association and dues money from the NSBA. A total of 23 states have reportedly distanced themselves from the national organization.




The trouble started when the NSBA, in coordination with the Biden Administration, sought to have outspoken parents at school board meetings investigated as potential domestic terrorists. Biden’s AG, Merrick Garland, agreed as planned.

The move is proving to be another disastrous misstep by the Biden camp and a disaster for the NSBA.

Add New Hampshire to the list of states saying no thanks, though I admit I am surprised. And while we have very little good to say on these pages about the NHSBA, this is one move we can support


NHSBA withdraws from the NSBA full tweet

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