Vermont COVID Cases Spike To Record High Despite Record Numbers of “Vaccinated”

My ‘neighbors’ to the left, in Vermont, have embraced The Jab™ in record-setting numbers. They may be one of the most Jabbed states in the US with 87.5% having received at least one poke and 78.3% “fully vaccinated” according to the State’s COVID19 dashboard.


Vermont Covid Dasboard 87.5% Vaccination percentage


They’ve set another record as well, right alongside that one. The highest ever reported new cases by date.


VT New Cases
VT New Cases

No worries. This is just a coincidence. The Science™ says vaccinate more people even though we know 1) the COVID Vaxx was never capable of preventing the spread – they are still lying about that, and 2) The Jab was made for COVID, not the variants and has become even more useless as a result, and 3) the booster is just more of the same.

But they say you need it anyway.

No. No, I don’t.



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