What Leftists Think About a “Maverick” in Their Midst – Spend Millions to Get Her Back in Line

John McCain was a Maverick. That’s a lefty code word for happy to toe the Democrat party agenda from the right side of the aisle. And he did that with pleasure to the point of trying to undermine an election. So, what happens when someone on the left tries that?

You know the answer.

Related: Why Haven’t We Written About the Passing of John McCain?

It’s the same thing Democrats do to anyone who refuses to carry all their water. You apply large sums of money on a pressure campaign to push them back in line (assuming you can’t just replace them, cancel them, or convince them to “commit suicide.”)


In a mega, seven-figure ad campaign against Senator Kyrsten Sinema (D-AZ), a progressive group is putting pressure on the moderate Democrat to use her role in the Senate to ram through a partisan election bill.

As reported by NBC News, the “group, Just Democracy, is spending $1.2 million for TV ads and another $200,000 on digital ads in Arizona from June 21 to June 30, said a spokesman for the group, adding the effort will feature two ads on cable news programs, local news and local sports in the state.”


Krysten Sinema, like John McCain, is a Senator from Arizona (But it’s a dry heat sarge). McCain was a pure-bread RINO and card-carrying member of the ruling class. Sinema is a freshman Senator who has always been a bit quirky and not in every way the left finds appealing. But her biggest sin is opposing any move to end the filibuster.


“To those who say that we must make a choice between the filibuster and ‘X,’ I say, this is a false choice. The reality is that when you have a system that is not working effectively — and I would think that most would agree that the Senate is not a particularly well-oiled machine, right? The way to fix that is to fix your behavior, not to eliminate the rules or change the rules, but to change the behavior,” Sinema said earlier this month.


The only thing that needs to be oiled well in any part of government is the exit. Sadly, since the passage of the 17th amendment, getting rid of a sitting US Senator (you may be unhappy with) is nearly impossible. A behavior no one in that body is in any way interested in fixing.

I will add this. When we interviewed Gen. Bolduc for the 2020 elections, he was more than willing to vote to repeal the 17th, one of the few candidates in our many years at this to say as much. Not an endorsement, not even a warm embrace, just a fact.

As is the fact that Sinema, despite being something of a left-wing loon, otherwise, thinks the filibuster exists for a reason and should remain as a viable check on slim majority rule.

That’s not in the Democrat Party Handbook, so she needs to be influenced. It’s something that happens on both sides, every day, up and down the political food chain. Not new nor even remarkable, except it’s happening on the Left and involves a critical vote by a US Senator who is telling her party and its activists no.

They don’t like that.

Let’s see if she can hold her water or ends up carrying theirs.

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