Craven Chris Sununu Echoes the Left’s Big Lie That Trump “Incited Violence”


This claim was thoroughly debunked well before January 14th … on January 11th to be precise … by Raheem Kassam:

President Trump’s speech didn’t conclude until 1:11pm, and with at least a 45-minute walk between the two locations with crowd-related delays, that would put the first people from Trump’s speech at Capitol Hill no earlier than 1:56pm – a full hour and sixteen minutes after troublemakers arrived. … At 1:09pm, still before the President had finished speaking, Sund called the Sergeants-at-arms of the House and Senate. He told them it was time to call in the National Guard. He even said he wanted an emergency declaration. ... At 1:50pm the Capitol itself was breached. Still before most Trump speech attendees could have arrived.

His analysis is spot on. President Trump’s speech ended at 1:11 p.m. according to NPR. The walk from the White House in normal conditions is 36 minutes:

These conditions were not normal conditions because by some estimates there were already 100,000 protesters on the national mall. Under such conditions, Kassam’s estimated 45 minutes is conservative.

But even if we assume the impossible and assume that it was possible to walk from the White House to the Capitol building in 36 minutes … the rioting started long before anyone from Trump’s speech could have arrived (1:47 p.m.):

Equally important, Trump never called for violence. Just the opposite: “I know that everyone here will soon be marching over to the Capitol building to peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard”.

Also, while we are still waiting to learn whether the assault on the Capitol building was preplanned and the involvement of Antifa/BLM, these facts apparently don’t matter to Sununu as much as establishing his NeverTrump, Biden-Republican bona fides.

Has there ever been as facile a political liar in #nhpolitics as Chris Sununu?

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