Who is Sidney Powell … What Does She Fight For?

Sidney Powell is the lady who has fought for justice on behalf of general Michael Flynn. She seemingly knows more about Scytl and the 2020 Democrat vote fraud than anyone. Attorney Sidney Powell is a relentless warrior.

Related: Sidney Powell’s KRAKEN Released In Georgia AND Michigan!

Her voice may shake but is an indication of fury not fear. She warned the swamp last Thursday she would ‘release the Kraken’ on them for what they have done to her country.

Powell was visibly and audibly upset by what she has witnessed. What has Sidney Powell seen that the others had not?  Attorney Powell has successfully taken on the Deep State like none other. She is doing all of this on her own. She is not being paid by the president or his campaign. She certainly seems to know more than any of the president’s own attorneys about what actually took place with the international ‘switching’ of votes to elect Biden.

More forbidding to the swamp critters hiding in the dark, Sidney says she has ‘the receipts’ to prove it. And from what is available from our sources in Europe, she seems credible. CIA insiders have admitted providing her the goods. They came forward because she was protecting General Flynn.

There is nothing from Ezra Cohen-Watnick. He is invisible and incommunicative. Maybe that is a wise choice as the most pursued man on earth. We now know Lt. General Flynn has been so corruptly and terribly persecuted by the Obama Department of Justice. The DoJ was joined by the Courts and the Deep State. It is amazing he is still walking free. It is doubtful he could have been the source for Sidney Powell. He has been precluded from involvement by those who tore up his life; over nothing.

Yet we’ve been warned every step of the way what was coming. This has come from this thing called Q-Anon. Still, no one knows who this is or even if such a person exists. We now think we know, and may God protect him. How many Flynn protégées have waded through the Swamp and know where the snakes, alligators, lizards and frogs nest? Just one, Ezra Cohen Watnick, General Flynn’s chief protégée.

Draining the swamp takes a team. There are people who put America First and there are swamp dwellers. We, American patriots need to decide what we believe. We must understand what we believe. The decision implicit in the outcome of this election is the future we want. Will we remain a freedom-loving, life respecting, personal property respecting people or will we embrace tyranny. There is no middle ground.

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