Two of Gov Whitmer’s Would-Be Kidnappers Are Trump-Hating Anarchists, a Third is a BLM Supporter

We let the alleged conspiracy to kidnap Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer sit on the low burner and with good reason. It stunk to high hell. An instinct that is bearing rotten fruit as expected.

Related: Michigan High Court Declares Gov. Whitmer’s Emergency Powers Un-Constitutional.

Two of her alleged attempted kidnappers appear to be cop-hating, anti-Trump anarchists.


Brandon Caserta was found to have a YouTube channel in which he apparently railed against the Trump administration. In one video obtained by Starbuck, he said, “Trump is not your friend, dude.” He said that Trump was a “tyrant” and the “enemy.”

Another arrested conspirator, according to Starbuck, Pete Musico, shared Caserta’s anti-government and anti-police beliefs.


Wow! This is big. Brandon Caserta, one of the ringleaders of the group of men arrested for a plot where the group planned to kidnap Gov. Gretchen Whitmer hated President Trump too!

Video of these douchebags ranting is available at the link. Not exactly your pro-Trump type, which is a problem for the left, the media, and Whitmer, who lashed out at the President, blaming him for an act organized by what appears to be Trump-hating anarchists.

Next up, Daniel Harris. He lived in his basement (like Joe Biden). Unlike Biden, the ex-marine had financial troubles, but like Joe, proudly supported BLM. Also not a prominent Trump supporter. He does not recall ever expressing any thought about the president publicly – and says he has voted for Democrats.

Not the rabid red-meat bunch Whitmer and others would have us believe though that is not all of them.

Don’t be surprised to find more of the same by which time Donald Trump will be tweaking Whitmer’s trigger after she blamed him for the kidnapping plot by a lot that doesn’t care for him very much.

And, though this should go without saying. What a bunch of asshats. Seriously? Kidnapping a governor? Morons.

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