Another So-Called CNN “Fact Checker” Gets Fact-Checked, and Comes up Short

The corporate media is a joke, and today’s punchline comes courtesy of CNN’s Daniel Dale. This DC lurker’s Twitter blurb reads, “Reporter for CNN, fact-checking the president and other politicians.” It should read creating “facts” for CNN to report.


Unless, and this is likely, his definition of fact-checking is different from the rest of the non-corporate media world. And it is not difficult to imagine CNN screwing that up given their Systemic Trump Derangement Syndrome.

The term includes two parts: facts and checking. This implies that you check for facts and then report what you find.

So, how is that working out for Mr. Dale?

Dateline Twitter: Sept 13, 2020.

Daniel Day Bay of Pigs

The Fact Checker from CNN accuses Trump of inflating this honor and others because that’s how he rolls. He’s got the Queens bluster, I’ll give you that, and he is clearly one of the unwashed masses. So much so that the Roman Poet Ovid’s maxim that barbarians are pleasing if they are rich (dummodo sit dives, barbarus ipse placet) does not apply.

Barbarian Trump is the wrong sort and must be filtered by the expert fact-checking of ruling-class gatekeepers like Dale. Who, as you have surmised, did not check his facts before he reported them.

Mr. Trump was endorsed by the Pay of Pigs Brigade, who are


“…freedom loving, Cuban patriots from all walks of life. A blend of farmers, lawyers, barbers, doctors, the occasional actor, a calculated engineer, a reassuring priest – a variety of the populace that make up a functional, respectful, civilized society. We are the Assault Brigade 2506 – we are FREEDOM FIGHTERS.


This coalition consists of men tasked with removing the soviet backed communists in Cuba. A mission with an important purpose that failed, according to the Bay of Pigs Brigade, because  “Incoming President John F. Kennedy through a series of political, tactical and operational lapses rendered the mission ineffectual…” .

The group presented then candidate Trump with their endorsement in 2016 (the first ever) which Mr. Turmp recently reported as an award.  This got Daniel Dale’s CNN branded panties in a twist.

Remember what Dale wrote:


For those confused by Trump’s claim he got the “highly honored Bay of Pigs Award”: He got an endorsement in 2016 from the Bay of Pigs Veterans Association. It’s not an award. He has a long history of turning endorsements and other non-awards into awards.


According to the Bay of Pigs Brigade, emphasis mine.


It was with great satisfaction that we read President Donald J. Trump’s twitter mentioning the [e]vent in which the Veterans Association Brigade 2506 presented a recognition award, consisting of the emblem used by our patriots during the battle of the Bay of Pigs Invasion, Cuba, 1961.

The award was presented to president Trump for the purpose of recognizing his political and social platform, which is in line with the conservative beliefs of our organization and his objectives of ending totalitarian regimes, drug and human trafficking and human rights abuses in our hemisphere and beyond.


The letter goes on to note that, “We know what it is to live under socialism and we reject the efforts and the terrorist tactics that the extreme left is using to transform this country, our adopted country, into a socialist state.”

Mr. Trump received their endorsement/award and there’s even a Spanish version of their response to the tweet. They also have a short video from 2016 with Mr. Trump.


So, let’s review. A guy who probably gets paid a lot of money to check facts and report them to his million followers on Twitter and the much smaller number of people who actually tune in to CNN didn’t check any.

Who is willing to bet money that this is not the first or the last time that has happened?


  • Steve MacDonald

    Steve is a long-time New Hampshire resident, award-winning blogger, and a member of the Board of Directors of The 603 Alliance. He is the owner of Grok Media LLC and the Managing Editor, Executive Editor, assistant editor, Editor, content curator, complaint department, Op-ed editor, gatekeeper (most likely to miss typos because he has no editor), and contributor at Steve is also a former board member of the Republican Liberty Caucus of New Hampshire, The Republican Volunteer Coalition, has worked for or with many state and local campaigns and grassroots groups, and is a past contributor to the Franklin Center for Public Policy.

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