Cowardly-Casey … Rep. Casey Conley (Marxist-Dover) Blocks Me For Fact-Checking His Tweets

So yesterday Casey Conley, a Democrat Rep, tweeted that classroom teachers are underpaid, and I responded by pointing out that the average teacher’s salary in New Hampshire is $60,0000.00:

Conley then claimed that “underpaid” was meant only to refer to childcare:

Conley eventually admitted that he does believe that teachers in New Hampshire … who are paid an average salary of $60,000.00 … are “underpaid”. To which I responded by pointing out that he is free to pay his children’s childcare and teachers more if he feels they are underpaid:

Here is his response:

Conley is a typical Marxist. He wants to spend your money … not his. And he does not believe that people outside the ruling class should be able to comment on his pronouncements.

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