Hey NH – Joe Biden has “Left the Building!” He’s on his way to South Carolina

Buh-Bye Biden (that’s my new nickname for Quid Pro Joe) expects a lousy finish in the Granite State. He has left for warmer waters. That means he won’t even be here for his “victory” party tonight. And that sounds about right.

He’s not really in it (anymore) and he’s not going to win it. And while it sounds like it makes sense to hit South Carolina and Nevada to try and salvage this mess Joe is just going through the motions. A lot of folks gave him a bunch of money and I guess he still has some of it to spend.

Biden’s decision to look ahead to the last two early state contests before Super Tuesday on Mar. 3 comes after Biden suffered a disappointing fourth place finish in the Iowa caucuses last week.

The former vice president played down his expectations in New Hampshire during Friday’s debate in Manchester where Biden admitted that his campaign is bracing for yet another major set back in today’s primary.

“I took a hit in Iowa, and I’ll probably take a hit here,” Biden conceded.

If he’s looking for something to “keep him busy” after this he could get a ‘good paying job’ on the board of Burisma. They’ll let almost anyone on that thing.

| The Federalist


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