Because Why Not: Produce Stickers Are Contributing to Climate Change? - Granite Grok

Because Why Not: Produce Stickers Are Contributing to Climate Change?

Mangoes Fruit PLU Produce Sticker

The list of things that cause climate change  (as opposed to changing climate) is long and distinguished. And while the socialists and corporatists place us on top of the food and our cheap energy lifestyles at the top of the climate change chain there are lesser evils. Like, produce stickers.

Those otherwise innocuous little labels with the lookup code on them. Bananas are 4011 (94011 for Organic!). Baby carrots are 4560 while a bunch is 4094. Or Cortland Apples, small (4104), large (4106). There are lots of them and they are universally applied. And they may be the scourge of the planet.

Sticky little oval daemons advancing the doom of the biosphere.

About three years ago, Susan Antler was at a composting facility in B.C. when a truck full of rotting avocados pulled up. … [a] massive truckload,” said Antler, executive director of the Compost Council of Canada. “And the facility just wouldn’t accept it.”

Why? Because each of those thousands of rotting avocados was “contaminated” by a little plastic PLU (or price look up) sticker. It carries a number, standardized around the globe, that identifies the type of produce and whether it’s conventionally or organically grown, to help cashiers enter the right price at the supermarket checkout.

Fruit banana stickersReading further we learn the moral of the story. The little labels are actually inconsequential. “The stickers aren’t toxic and don’t harm the compost” but there are guidelines “about how much foreign matter is allowed in compost, especially higher grades. And too much can make compost unmarketable.”

So, they are not a threat to the planet but you know what is? Strict regulations. Oh, and composting (with or without the stickers). It creates more “greenhouse gasses” than the stickers ever could. Larger carbon footprint, you see. But let’s regulate the stickers!

Efforts have been underway to make them edible, more biodegradable, to convert to non-toxic ink printing and eve laser labeling, which probably means something that will cost more.

If the government can make everyone dance to a pricier tune (for no good reason) whose costs they can then pass down to consumers, how is that not the very definition of “climate change”? Once you get past the whole, it’s actually about converting Free-Markets into the centrally planned socialist economy.

One little produce sticker at a time.

Honestly, I think the one-hit-wonder Eve of Destruction by Barry McGuire is the cause of climate change and you’re a denier if you disagree. I’m just kidding. Everyone knows the Kardashians are to blame.

| CBC News
