So South Carolina GOP CAN cancel its 2020 Primary

by Skip

I’ve never understood why a Party would cancel its primary to protect an incumbent from a few Don Quixote Prez Wannabees flailing at their own vanity and the political versions of old decrepit windmills.  Again – competition should sort out the whole mess but serious, does anyone think that Bill Weld, Joe Walsh or any of the other unknowns have a real shot of upsetting Donald Trump, a sitting President?  The whole thing stinks to high heaven of fear and four day old fish breath but that’s what they did – and sued for their sheer silliness.  So now those that sued are stinking of that same fish breath as well:

COLUMBIA, S.C. (AP) — A judge on Wednesday upheld the South Carolina Republican Party’s decision not to hold a 2020 presidential primary, a move taken by several states in erecting hurdles for the long-shot candidates challenging President Donald Trump.

In her order, Circuit Judge Jocelyn Newman wrote the law “does not give Plaintiffs a legal right to a presidential preference primary, and the Court will not substitute its own judgment for that of the General Assembly or the SCGOP.”

Earlier this year, former South Carolina congressman Bob Inglis sued state Republicans, saying the party’s decision to skip a primary deprives him and others “of the ability to vote for the candidate of their choice in South Carolina’s famous (and particularly influential) ‘First in the South’ primary.”

Sure, it is THEIR Party and the elected leaders can do whatever they want as a private group. In this, the Judge made the correct call – those suing are NOT entitled to force such a private party to expend a lot of funds simply to make them happy that they get to mark a vote. And yes, if you go read the piece, the South Carolina Dems have done the same thing to protect their incumbent Presidents against long shots; their Party, their decision. Stupid on both sides.

But I’m allowed my opinions and this is mind – this is so full of malarky….

(H/T: Associated Press)


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