Climate Evangelicals Curse this Devil-Weather

As reported last week, we are experiencing record cold. If you ask the Climate Cult why it’s so cold you’ll get one of two answers. F**k off!, or something along the lines of Climate Chaos!!! I’m not sure if they have sound to go with it, but we can probably make some suggestions. Like Brrrrrrr!

Related: Climate Change: Next Week Temps Predicted to drop 20 Degrees Below Normal

One of the best ways to introduce the topic is to approach someone you know has had their brain-washed in green dogma droppings and say something like, “is it cold enough for you?”

“Wow. That wind chill is something!”


(Play, Baby It’s Cold Outside.)

They may blame CO2 for radical changes in weather. The only thing radical around here is them. This is new England. The phrase, If you don’t like the weather, wait a minute, is not new to the area.

We are, of course, talking about weather, not “climate.” There’s a difference.

Everything that can be said to prove the underlying hokey stick theory of frying the plant to melt the ice caps to raise the sea level is Climate. The same government that wasted obscene amounts of money on nothing needs billions and billions of your dollars to stop it. Not the climate catastrophe. No. That’s not even real. They want to stop you from deciding how to spend your money. So, you’ll work less, do less, and be less for the planet.

Everything that contradicts climate is weather; those awkward transitory pauses in the Climate, like stopping for a breath before commencing the next round of muggings to fund more green boondoggles.

Record low temps in mid-November is weather though it can also be weather caused by climate. Polar vortex! 


For those keeping score at home New Hampshire hit record cold all across the Granite State this week. Even way down south in Portsmouth. We also experienced some of that white stuff we were told ten years ago we’d never see. An alarmist view I recall every time I hear about the Ski resorts preparing to open in November or when I hear my adult children complain about the work that comes with the weather we’re not even supposed to have anymore because of the climate.

I remind them that liberals lie (they know this) and whatever you do don’t let them pass any more broad-based taxes. You’ll have to move. And we’re running out of places to escape their reach, just like the weather. Wherever you go, there it is.

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