Understanding How Therapy Can Help Your Loved One - Granite Grok

Understanding How Therapy Can Help Your Loved One

Therapy as a treatment for mental health conditions such as depression or anxiety, or for addiction of substance abuse disorders, can be incredibly effective, but it’s also a useful tool for anyone who wants to proactively take care of their mental health. Unfortunately, there are some who are apprehensive about the idea of their loved one attending therapy. There are lots of misconceptions about therapy such as it being only for extreme mental health problems or that it is for people who are weaker than others mentally. Neither of these assumptions are true. Therapy can be an effective exercise for almost anyone, and many people who have not been diagnosed with mental health issues will visit a therapist on a regular basis.

The benefits of therapy are long-lasting

Talking therapy helps people not only to work through their emotions and thoughts from past experiences and current problems but also to establish coping mechanisms for the future. When the patient becomes more comfortable and adept at talking about their emotions and is able to come to their own conclusions with the support of a therapist, they are building positive habits which will last a lifetime. This is particularly important for young people who are struggling with mental health as taking action now could change the course of their life. Visit igniteteentreatment.com for more information on therapy for teenagers.

It can ease physical symptoms too

Trauma, stress, and depression can all cause physical or somatic symptoms which therapy can also help to alleviate. From headaches, sleep disorders, fatigue, muscle pain and stomach problems, mental and emotional issues can manifest in our bodies if not given the proper outlet. Talking therapy has been shown time and time again to improve physical health as well as emotional health for depressed patients.

It exposes and resolves repressed emotions

When we repress our negative emotions or past experiences, they will not go away but simply build up and seep out where we least expect them. It’s like a pressure cooker in that the longer they keep feelings in the bigger the explosion will be when they can finally take no more. This could be a mental breakdown or a physical one, but no one can repress their emotions forever without consequences. Anger, in particular, can sometimes be expressed passive aggressively in our behavior and treatment of those around us if not expressed.

Therapy can help them to understand people around them

Therapy helps us to understand ourselves but can also shine a light on the behavior of others in our lives. People suffering from depression can often see the people around them in a negative light and will perceive even the simplest neutral action or statement as a personal attack. Therapy can help the patient to see situations from alternate points of view and to better understand the motivations of others.

Therapy can equip them with coping mechanisms and resilience for the future

Everyone has to manage conflict and solve problems in their life, but therapy can help someone to develop healthier coping mechanisms and techniques to get them through the difficult times in the future. By understanding both oneself and those around us we can put problems into perspective and respond more rationally.

Regular therapy can alleviate feelings of isolation

Attending regular appointments with a therapist can provide structure and a support network as well as a sense of relief as they are taking steps to resolve their issues. While it may not be possible to talk to loved ones about issues in case they offend people or complicate relationships, they can talk to an impartial therapist freely.
