If Tuition is Too High Why Aren’t Democrats Bitching About Enormous UNH Salaries?

A few weeks ago, the NH Democrat party got its knickers in a wad. Gov. Sununu wasn’t refusing to take a scheduled salary increase. Cue the tiny violins – little instruments whose tune never plays over The high cost of tuition™ and UNH salaries.

Last year the former head of UNH and his replacement earned a combined sum of 850,000.00 in wages. Yes, Mark Huddleston’s contract entitled him to his full salary for a year after his departure. UNH wrote it up, and he’d have been a fool not to sign it.

Mr. Sununu should consider asking them to work on his salary. He’s only making 133,587.22. Though that may already be too much.

Speaking of Too Much

Without looking, can we guess that the administrative payroll for the University of New Hampshire is enormous? A thing the business school would call overhead. But hey, tuition is too damn high. 

So, where are New Hampshire Democrats with their army of tiny violins? 

They’re busy singing the taxpayers need to cough up more of their earnings aria. It’s their version of Money for Nothing

No, the UNH Amin compensations need not fear New Hampshire Democrats. That narrative doesn’t work to their political advantage. No song to sing, no tune to play. No poo to throw. Monkeys Silent. (Ohh, it’s a Haiku!)

The plan is to keep arguing that Democrat Legislators need to find new ways to plunder the pockets of hard-working Granite Staters. That way, high-paid provosts and university presidents can protect budgets for social-justice, identity politics curriculums that create armies of unskilled angry-idiot leftists.

Taxpayers might want to start flinging some poo of their own.


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