House to Move Contempt Against Attorney General


The Action…

Multiple sources are reporting that the House of Representatives is moving to hold Attorney General Barr in contempt of Congress. The man is the highest law enforcement officer of the nation. He has had a long and distinguished career. His offense; refusal to break the law. This action if taken would be asinine.

The response…

AG Barr continues to refuse to provide Congress with a fully unredacted version of Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s report. The problem the Attorney General faces is that Congress passed the law they now demand he break. His responsibility is to the law… which remains on the books… with no movement to change it. He is enforcing the law congress itself put into writing.

Yes, he is part of the executive branch. So what. It does not change the law. It does not change Congress’ demand. You can rest assured that the Supreme Court would side with the executive branch in this matter. You don’t have to be Mr. Wizard to figure this out.

Barr has to decide whether to do the easy thing and break the law; or whether to do the hard thing and follow the law and face that consequence. Why is it reasonable to have to face consequences for following the law as written? Especially when the consequence is imposed by the writer of the law. What’s fair about that? Why bother having laws if we are not going to follow them? What’s that rule of law thing all about anyway?

This has happened before…

Maybe now we are supposed to accept living laws like good Progressives. Do we now have to accept living laws just as we are being asked to accept a living constitution? Listen people… the reason we aren’t still British subjects is that the King of England treated our Founding Fathers the same way Congress is treating the Attorney General today. The King wanted to do what he wanted because he was king… to hell with the laws. When is enough, too much?


Is there no one in the District of Columbia beside AG Barr that remembers they are there to serve the nation? Those people are NOT there to serve their party. They are NOT there to advance their reelection campaign. Grandstanding is one thing, posturing is another and demagoguing is a third. The current action is none of those. When are the childish tantrums going to stop? BRAT, BRAT, DIRTY RAT…


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