Steve Bannon Backed Group Build’s (New Section of) Border Wall over One Weekend

If you want to get something done sometimes, you have to do it yourself. Using millions in private donations the Group Build the Wall got the permissions and rights to work on the land and erected at least a half mile of border wall over the weekend. (Maybe a mile!)

The group, We Build the Wall, used money raised from a GoFundMe account to construct about a half-mile of barrier on El Paso’s west side that it said will close a gap used by smugglers and undocumented immigrants to sneak across the border.

Some reports say it was closer to a mile of wall. One report suggests the group paid for the land rights; a separate report says American Eagle Brick Co owns the land. They may be connected, but I did not confirm that. Whatever the deal, private crowd-sourced money and some industrious American citizens went to work to solve a problem.

The construction started the same day a federal judge blocked the Trump administration’s efforts to build his long-promised wall with funds that were not appropriated by Congress but instead were shifted from other departments, including the military.

Drug cartels, gangs, and human traffickers have been using the gap to infiltrate the US. Bannon and Build The Wall just built a wall. And Walls work. Here’s to hoping they build more.

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