CNN “Downsizing” – Cutting up to 300 Staffers

There are a lot of terms out there for letting people go. Downsizing. Decruitment. If you are Keene State College, you call it ‘right-sizing.’ CNN has chosen buyouts.

Related: “CNN is not a news outlet, it’s a super PAC running unregulated campaign ads 24 hours a day”

They are buying out employees who will no longer work for the network. Mostly so they don’t have to say they are laying off nearly 300 people.

According to FTVLive, a website that monitors the television industry, “Word is that just under 200 people will be pink slipped and just over 100 will be offered a buyout.” Staffers are reportedly calling the cuts a “massive brain drain” because so many veteran employees are being given pink slips.

Executive Vice President Tony Maddox is ‘retiring’ after CNN shed viewers post-no-collusion-Mueller-report faster than a pole dancer sheds clothes.

The cuts come on the heels of devastating April ratings for CNN, with the lowest number of total viewers in five years. The network’s prime-time lineup plummeted 26 percent in April compared to the same month last year. CNN’s total audience in prime time was a pathetic 767,000. Compare that to Fox News, with 2.395 million viewers and third-place MSNBC with 1.660 million. CNN’s Cuomo Primetime was one of the hardest hit, with a mere 971,000 viewers in April — the worst month in the show’s history.

That’s 971,000 total viewers in the entire month of April.

How Bad Could It Be?

To make a point of just how bad it is over at the Collusion News Network Newsbuster created a list of nine things more popular than CNN.

This week it was reported that CNN lost 26 percent of its audience, down 237,000 viewers since April 2018, and down nearly 40 percent from its 2016 peak. To put those numbers in their proper perspective:

There are more witches and pagans (self-admitted, I presume) than CNN viewers. They also estimate that there are more prostitutes, though it’s not clear if that includes individuals at CNN who describe themselves as journalists.

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