How your local Reps voted – Laconia

by Skip

Bad votes (e.g., increased taxes, increased spending, decreasing your Liberty, growing the size / cost / intrusiveness of Government) by your State Reps from the Laconia Districts, through March 20, 2019. Note that both Richard Beaudoin (R) and Charlie St. Clair attendance are less than 50%

Huot, David (Democrat, Laconia), attendance 96%

FOR banning plastic straws. HB558
FOR banning plastic or paper bags. HB560
FOR making it easier for illegal aliens to get a driver’s license. HB397
AGAINST ensuring that drivers’ licenses cannot be used by non-citizens to vote. HB471
FOR creating an income tax with rates set by an unelected bureaucrat. HB712
AGAINST prohibiting an income tax. CACR12
FOR creating an income tax with rates set by an unelected bureaucrat. SB1
AGAINST reducing the statewide property tax. HB497-0113h
AGAINST reducing the interest & dividends tax. HB185
FOR creating a new tax on capital gains. HB686
FOR creating an additional room tax. HB641
FOR raising business taxes. HB623
FOR creating a tax on vaping, making it harder to quit smoking. HB680
FOR doubling and tripling various fees. HB682
AGAINST reducing electric rates. HB157
FOR letting bureaucrats increase electric rates. HB166
AGAINST reducing electric rates. HB477
FOR killing entry-level jobs for unskilled workers. HB186
FOR protecting criminals by disarming law-abiding citizens. HB564
FOR protecting criminals by disarming law-abiding citizens. HB109
AGAINST clarifying that self-defense includes defending one’s family. HB208
FOR protecting criminals by disarming law-abiding citizens. HB514
FOR making it easier for out-of-staters to vote in NH. HB105
FOR making it easier for out-of-staters to vote in NH. HB106
FOR making voter fraud easier. HB611
AGAINST merely collecting statistics about abortions. HB158
AGAINST repealing a never-used and unconstitutional infringement on free speech. HB124
AGAINST prohibiting “sanctuary” cities. HB232
FOR micromanaging businesses’ hiring practices. HB211
FOR micromanaging businesses’ hiring practices. HB253
FOR micromanaging businesses’ hiring practices. HB272
AGAINST holding public officials individually accountable if they knowingly violate a court order. HB210
FOR denying science and falsifying birth certificates. HB446

St. Clair, Charlie (Democrat, Laconia), attendance 42%

FOR making it easier for illegal aliens to get a driver’s license. HB397
AGAINST ensuring that drivers’ licenses cannot be used by non-citizens to vote. HB471
FOR creating an income tax with rates set by an unelected bureaucrat. HB712
FOR creating a new tax on capital gains. HB686
FOR creating an additional room tax. HB641
FOR raising business taxes. HB623
FOR creating a tax on vaping, making it harder to quit smoking. HB680
FOR doubling and tripling various fees. HB682
FOR protecting criminals by disarming law-abiding citizens. HB564
AGAINST repealing a never-used and unconstitutional infringement on free speech. HB124
AGAINST prohibiting “sanctuary” cities. HB232

Beaudoin, Richard (Republican, Laconia), attendance 32%

no bad votes

Spanos, Peter (Republican, Winnisquam), attendance 94%

no bad votes

Tilton, Franklin (Republican, Laconia), attendance 76%

no bad votes

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