The United Nations is proposing a series of steps to create a world parliament. A governing body that would be made up of directly elected members from all the nations of the world. “[A]s the centerpiece of
a democratic world order under the rule of law.”
They’ve produced this spiffy power-point-like handbook to help us along. Laid out the plan.
A Parliamentary Assembly at the United Nations could initially be composed of national parliamentarians. Step by step, it should be provided with genuine rights of information, participation and control vis-à-vis the UN and the organizations of the UN system. In a later stage, the assembly could be directly elected.
Picture a burdensome dysfunctional mess like the EU and you are on your way.
They want this. The primer includes calls to action. So, we should expect a rise in press and social media positing this as a good idea. A long campaign to convince nations, especially ours, to enjoin ourselves to the will of people who want little more form us than our wealth so that they may enrich themselves at our expense.
That’s been the only meaningful accomplishment of the UN to date. Creating another layer of ineffective, scheming pilferers will only make matters worse.