Different Time But the Same Old Request – More Money

I found this in a stack of old Town Reports someone gave me years ago, page #32:

The problem of education is a difficult one to solve in towns like this, where there are but few scholars in a district and a small amount of school money. We hope to see a law whereby smaller and poorer towns will receive a larger amount of school money. The school year should not be less than twenty-five weeks in any town. The people of this town have ever responded generously for the support of our schools and we trust they will continue to do so, as the future welfare of our town depends upon the efficiency of our schools and their ability to educate our children for their duties as citizens.

Thanking parents and citizens for their interest and manifested and generous support we have ever received, we remain,

Yours Respectfully,

Warren W. Merrill,
Benj. L. Bartlett,
Mrs. E.W. Colburn
School Board of Deering.

Annual Report
Town of Deering
February 15, 1899

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