NH Medical Society Pushes for Gun Control Using Outrageously False Statistics

On Sunday, Seacoastonline posted an opinion letter by a Doctor Leonard Korn, “immediate past president of the New Hampshire Medical Society (NHMS).” In it, Korn and NHMS push for support of the draconian gun control legislation that Democrats are trying to pass in the legislature. Several bills that will be heard tomorrow, including a background check bill that has previously failed three times because it’s that bad and a waiting period bill to buy firearms OR ammunition.

Apparently, this is a big “advocacy” issue for NHMS and has been for several years. They clearly didn’t get the memo that New Hampshire is consistently one of the safest states in the country. Maybe they were too busy filling out medical malpractice insurance forms. You can see from their “policy and advocacy” page on their website that medical malpractice doesn’t make their list but firearms do several times:

Medical malpractice is the cause of anywhere between 200,000 and 400,000 deaths for men, women and children across the country every single year.

This is actually an epidemic of epic proportions yet Dr. Korn and the NHMS are pushing for gun control claiming “The statistics of gun violence in our country are so alarming…” that gun control legislation, no matter that it actually hurts men, women and children, is so important, it must be passed.

You would think a medical society would stick to actual medical issues, especially extremely important ones like medical errors and malpractice. Instead, they use their medical backgrounds to push extreme left-wing ideologies. You get the hint with the advocacy director they hired:

The New Hampshire Medical Society is pleased to announce the hiring of Mike Padmore as its new Director of Advocacy. He is the former Field Director at Civix Strategy Group. Prior to joining Civix Strategy Group, he was State Director for NextGen Climate, Field Director for the New Hampshire Senate Democratic Caucus, as well as a member of the 2012 Obama campaign team in the Granite State.

The NHMS has a history of hoplophobia. They actually published the most outrageously false statistic Political Buzz have ever happened upon. This “medical society” is claiming that 1 MILLION people in the United States die every single year as a result of homicide or suicide:

These statistics are clearly unrealistic even if you have never indulged in researching this type of information but there they are and they are found on a couple of different pages on the NHMS website.

The actual statistics about suicides from the Suicide Prevention organization are as follows:

And the homicide statistics from the Federal Bureau of Investigation are as follows for 2017:

Murder and non-negligent manslaughter was 17,284

Without using Common Core math, this means the total suicides and homicides for 2017 were 64,457. That number is actual .06% of what NHMS is actually claiming, further proving their claim is intentionally outrageous and false! This is a medical society, these people are supposed to be extremely detailed.

A number that is also outrageous are the estimated number of deaths from medical malpractice every year. According to a study by John Hopkins University “research estimates that medical error is now the third leading cause of death:”

NHMS uses the elevated and often trusted position of medical doctors and professionals to push gun control using proven outrageously false statistics while ignoring the absolute deadly and egregious statistics in their own community. Not only should NHMS and other medical organizations pushing gun control be completely ignored, they should be excoriated and ostracized for the deadly behavior in their practices while trying to harm law-abiding citizens with their push for draconian gun control measures.

People take a Hippocratic Oath when they become doctors, not a Hypocritical Oath. Maybe NHMS and Doctor Korn don’t know the difference.


  • Kimberly Morin

    Kimberly Morin is a political activist in the Granite State. She is a lifelong Independent who calls out both sides of the aisle when they screw up. She's a weekly guest on the nationally syndicated radio show, Real Side with Joe Messina, and a frequent flyer on The Independence Gang.

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