Snopes Fact Checker – Nathan Phillips Falsely Claimed He Served in Vietnam “Unproven”

We don’t have Snopes budget but we did a better job of working out the Nathan Phillips fraud. The ‘so-called’ fact-checking site claims that it has not been proven that Nathan Phillips did not serve in Vietnam. That’s funny because we’ve already provided proof that he said he was there and that he never was.

Exhibit A: The words of Nathan Phillips.

“I’m a Vietnam Vet. I served in Marine Corps 72 to 76. I got discharged May 5, 1976. I got honorable discharge and one of the boxes shows peacetime or, what my box says is that I was **in theater**. I don’t talk much about my Vietnam times.”

Exhibit B: “Frigidairborne Ranger.”

Phillips served from June 1972 to May 1976 in the Marine Corps Reserve, a service spokeswoman, Yvonne Carlock, said Wednesday. He did not deploy, and he left the service as a private after disciplinary issues.

Wow, that ways easy. And not the first such example of Snopes selective fact-checking skills. But Snopes faulty fact-checking still enjoys favor among Big Tech.

Both Facebook and Google give Snopes preferential treatment on their platforms, though Snopes has struggled with accuracy in the past

Google placed Snopes’s misleading fact-check at the top of their search results about Phillips’s Vietnam claims.

No surprises there. Which is why we suggest our readers join our email list or visit the site directly every day so they don’t have to rely on Google’s Bias or Facebook’s progressive pandering to find our news and opinion.

And for God’s sake, stop giving liberal “fact-checkers” your web traffic. They don’t deserve it.

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