Voting Enthusiasm Poll: A combo of “They have brought us upon themselves” and

by Skip

The Law of Unintended Consequences with Obama’s (yes, he’s still a thing) “I won”?  US Senate Democrats (along with loose coordination with their allies in the MSM and Progressive organizations) have overplayed their hand with the absolutely disgusting tactics they have used against Judge Kavanaugh and other Conservatives (e.g., made up allegations that can’t be proved, gaslighting the nominee, harrassing Senators and others in public). They can’t defeat Trump’s nominee on the basis of his judicial rulings (goalpost #1) so they switched immediately to their Power of Personal Destruction tactics:

  • The alleged attempted sex crime (goalpost #2)
  • History of drinking (goalpost #3)
  • Being a minor while drinking (goalpost #4)
  • Throwing ice in a bar while in early 20’s (goalpost #5)

And now, much to my hilarity, Dems are criticizing Government(something we Conservatives have been saying for a long, long time that the size of Government is too big and it can’t do things well) the FBI of not doing their job right (#6) and they hate the current rules of the Senate (#7) because those rules are keeping them from the Power (Socialist control of the Judiciary, #8) that only they and not Conservatives should ever hold (in fact, since 1938 have we had a Conservative majority SCOTUS).  For every action there is a reaction.

We’ve watched their bullying tactics on full display in attacking Kavanaugh on TV – in the Senate hearing rooms, in the newspapers, TV, and radio, and in places of “public accommodation”.

Sidenote: they’ll scream bloody murder if their Identity Political Group, LGBTQRESTUV, isn’t served with all immediate speed or else shrill screams of “DISCRIMINATION” or “Your Constitutionally protected religious beliefs don’t matter!” but if a Conservative is set upon by a Pack of Progressives in a restaurant, well, that’s just how they roll.

And now, the reaction has come – Republicans are now fired up for the midterm, not necessarily by the candidates before them but, most likely, the Progressive antics in DC. After all, one of the big deals of the win Trump had in 2016 was over the Supreme Court. The Progressives haven’t paid enough attention to that old song “Light my fire, light my fire”:

If the Democrats had shut their yaps and let Kavanaugh onto the Court, they may well have taken both the US House and Senate with good sized majorities. They, however, just couldn’t help themselves.  Analogy: Jimmy Johnson in Sunday’s latest NASCAR race in which if he had decided to settle for a safe second, he’d still be in the playoffs.  Instead, he made a risky maneuver to win the race – and failed. In the resulting tie for the last spot for the playoff, he lost the tie breaker by one point and is done for the season.

So, too, may have the vaunted Blue Wave crashed on the shore because the Dems thought they could not only win the playoff (SCOTUS) but win the race (Congress) at the same time. And then they spun out of control.

The chart above shows how fast and how far the Republicans have awoken – especially Republican women.  They have immediately recognized the horror show that their sons, their husbands, their brothers or fathers, their family, their friends can be swept up by the Democrats and their allied SJWs, media, and Progressives in fits of rage only to be spit out as their families are disparaged and career ruined (re: Branden Eich, formerly of Mozilla and other lesser known folks including here at GraniteGrok).  The only solution for Democrats, when someone gets under their skin or presents an “existential threat” to them and their lust for Power from ideology, is destruction – both in punishing the “heretic” and as an “IRS Warning” to others to stay out of it and to stay silent lest they suffer the same consequence.

No, Brett Kavanaugh (like Trump) is not bowing down to the mobocracy. Remember, each and every Democrat on that Judicial Committee said the smooth, silky words of “hey, if you’re innocent, just stop this hearing and demand an FBI hearing”; words that Kavanaugh and we Conservatives were like the hissing of the snake in the Garden of Eden. They knew, HE knew, that the promise was illegitimate and was playing into their hands – time was and isn’t his friend and that they certainly were his enemies. Worse, by acceding to that wish would have further hurt HIM as he knew they’d just use the FBI as yet another club (as having gotten the FBI involved as they wanted, now they’ve moved the goalposts again in demanding more and more and more) against him. Further ruining his reputation, his family, and his career.

“You have brought us upon yourself” – yes, the Democrats have.  As stupid as it sounds, Conservatives (we Normals out here outside the DC beltway – not so much the DC Republican chuckleheads that are ashamed of their own shadows like Senator Jeff Flake (Stupid, spineless RINO), that willing stooge of US Senator Chris Coons (D), put on full display – but those of us who keep sending Republicans to both DC and Concord hoping beyond hope to put an end to this Socialist charade once and for all.  Most simply break on the Democrat shoals.

No, this uprising of enthusiasm isn’t about Republicans – it is about one man being torn apart at every turn simply because he is the exact opposite of Democrats in history, in conduct, in worldview, in a love for God, and an adherence to the plain words of the Constitution. He IS the existential threat they fear, especially to their identity political groups, their support of killing unborn babies, their wet dreams of civilian disarmament, and their continued march to a dystopian future because they believe they are finally the ones that can make Heaven happen here on earth.  The Constitution stops them and in allowing Kavanaugh to reach the SCOTUS bench means they’ve been rebuffed for the next 20 or so years.

Heaven help us if (or when) one of the other Progressive Justices either retire voluntarily or be retired involuntarily by the Grim Reaper. If you think that the Kavanaugh spectacle (presided over by neo-Spartacus himself, big ego Senator Cory Booker with his HandMaiden Kamala Harris) has been over the top CrazyVille in the collective muddy gutter, you ain’t seen nothin’ yet.

But for this election? Democrats may have well blown it – because they just can’t help themselves in vying for camera and column ink time. And they can’t constrain their utter need to retain their version of Gollum’s “My Precious” – pure, naked Power.

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