NH House Rep Steven Smith has a nice bit of investigative reporting over on his campaign page blog. It’s about mailers, sent by a group calling itself The New Hampshire Leadership Committee. You might recognize them. The mailers, I mean. Steve is getting them in Sullivan Count District 11. I’ve received the same graphics (different candidates attacked) in the town of Merrimack, in Hillsborough County.
The DC money behind this is probably pumping these mailers into districts all over the State.
Steve explains why this might be a problem.
The mailer allegedly comes from The New Hampshire Leadership Committee and the only address given is 10 Dixon Ave., Concord, NH. The name on it is Elizabeth Wester. There are some problems with this. First, 10 Dixon Ave is an office building. LCHIP has offices there. No suite is given, and no committee by this name is a tenant there that I can find. Second, this is not the address on file for this committee.
The business address is in DC and the primary donor to this “committee” has the same business address in Washington as the Committee itself.
They are then spending that money in Massachusetts and pushing these mailers all over the state to bash Republicans running for local office.
Elizabeth Wester, the only name attached to these out-of-state funded fiscal gymnastics (that Steve could find), is a Special Assitant for Policy and Projects at the Office of US Senator Jeanne Shaheen.
Is Shaheen’s office coordinating out-of-state DC money to bash local New Hampshire Republicans?
Someone from her office is.
Steve is sending it all over to the NH AG.
H/T Steve Smith: see all the screen grabs and details here.