Report Rates NH as Only 16th Most Politically Engaged State

If you live in New Hampshire and you pay any attention at all you probably think we’re the bees-knees when it comes to politics.  Not so, according to this report from Maine (No. 2) is far more engaged than New Hampshire (No. 16) according to their metrics.

With Election Day close at hand, WalletHub compared the 50 states and the District of Columbia based on ten key indicators of political engagement. They range from “percentage of registered voters in the 2016 presidential election” to “total political contributions per adult population.”

Interactive map

Source: WalletHub

D.C., Maine, Utah, Maryland, and Washington State round out the top five with Tennessee, Indiana, Alabama, Hawaii, and New Mexico the worst five in the nation.

New Hampshire did make the top five for the percentage of the electorate voting in the 2016 elections.

So what methodology was used to arrive at these results? You can read more here but these are the key metrics.

  • Percentage of Registered Voters in the 2016 Presidential Election: Full Weight (~9.09 Points)
  • Percentage of Electorate Who Actually Voted in the 2014 Midterm Elections: Full Weight (~9.09 Points)
  • Percentage of Electorate Who Actually Voted in the 2016 Presidential Election: Double Weight (~18.18 Points)
  • Change in Percentage of Electorate Who Actually Voted in the 2016 Elections Compared with the 2012 Elections: Double Weight (~18.18 Points)
  • Total Political Contributions per Adult Population: Double Weight (~18.18 Points)
  • Civic Education Engagement: Half Weight (~4.55 Points)
  • Voter Accessibility Policies: Half Weight (~4.55 Points)
  • Preregistration for Young Voters Policies: Full Weight (~9.09 Points)
  • Volunteer Political Campaign Opportunities per Capita*: Half Weight (~4.55 Points)
  • Percentage of Residents Who Participate in Civic Groups or Organizations: Half Weight (~4.55 Points)

They also conclude, based on these metrics, that the Blue States are more politically engaged than Red states. That might have something to do with making sure the gravy train keeps rolling or maybe angry people are just more likely to vote?

It’s more likely the reality of their politics. People inclined to get government into every corner of daily life feel more connected to the process for accomplishing that. They feel it. It is their moral imperative. At least until it has been accomplished. They then discover that once The State no longer needs them to gain or hold power they are nothing more than objects of its abuse.

It is, of course, too late by then.

It’s such a shame there are no examples in world history of how this plays out and where it inevitably leads.

Oh, wait…

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