Thanks for sending more businesses to NH, Charlie!

by Skip

Minimum wage ladder rungsAnd yet another Republican delivering a win for the Democrat / Socialist agenda.  Steve had the goods (paid family leave) in expanding the Welfare State in MA and pushing the Socialist agenda of “Don’t worry – you don’t have to provide for yourself as everyone else will be coerced to take take of you.”. Ayup, furthering the Progressive mantra that you don’t have to be self-responsible and plan ahead for you and your family. And they wonder why we constantly beat on the GOP?

Massachusetts Gov. Charlie Baker Signs Bill to Raise Minimum Wage to $15

Gov. Charlie Baker (R) of Massachusetts signed a bill Thursday to raise the state’s minimum wage to $15 an hour by 2023.
The new law will set the wage to $11 per hour and then raise the pay rate in steps until it hits $15 in five years. The wage for tipped workers will also increase but at a lower rate, going from $3.75 to $6.75 by 2023, according to Mass Live.

The $15 wage will match California for the highest minimum wage in the nation by 2023.

This was passed in conjunction with paid family leave.  I still have yet to figure out that those that simply have figured out how to win 1 more vote than the loser is such an expert in so many areas where they weren’t before?  For us here in NH, I’m glad that yet another economic nincompoop has decided that he (along with the other vastly overpaid nincompoops in the MA legislature) that they know better how a small business owner ought  to juggle their labor finances.  Haven’t they been watching how San Francisco and Seattle’s results have been faring?

Why is it that these self-impressed incompetents feel free to tell others how to run their lives but refuse to put their own money into the game and play by their own legislated rules? Why is it that they just don’t trust the free market and the producers and consumers that best know what is best for themselves?

(H/T: Big Government)

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