The Town of New Boston v. John and Mona Winslow

Gavel-And-Scales-Of-Justice-570x381The portion of the Winslow case in New Boston that goes before a judge, not a jury, is all but over. The $375.00 per hour law firm representing New Boston submitted this filing, by hand, the Friday afternoon before the Monday, April 30 hearing in Superior Court – knowing full well the Winslow’s have no attorney and that I was denied, by the court, the opportunity to represent them.

The petition of additional costs has some statements that are false, such as the Winslow’s receiving the court ordered “inventory list” which could have prevented much of the problems we are about to have with missing personal property – taken during the clean-up.

The inventory list the town attorney refers to as delivered by hand by the town administrator, Mr. Flynn, was one from 1996 when the town requested unregistered vehicles be removed from the property. The New Boston attorney fails to explain why a current inventory list was not part of the court record in the first place or in the possession of the town at the January 11 hearing where I first met the Winslows.

Readers may notice the New Boston attorney mentions me and takes issue with me writing about the case for Granite Grok. She filed one story as an example.

Readers may also notice the town gave Mr. Winslow a final 30 days to remove “junk” from his property after taking too long to do it himself between bad weather and physical injuries he incurred in the process of removing materials and vehicles from his property. On December 21, 2017, New Boston had an uninsured contractor – with no contract, show up repeatedly and unannounced with a police escort, and remove material at will for the next three months. Some of what New Boston called “junk” went in large containers delivered by Berwick Iron. Other material went on the contractor’s log truck or in the trunk of his car to another location.

More documents to come as this unfolds. I am limited as to what I can write in a pending case.

New Boston Objection to motion to reconsider
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